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September 2, Pluto Enters Capricorn

September 2, Pluto Enters Capricorn

On September 2, Pluto returns to the last degrees of Capricorn ♑, signaling an important period of reflection and transformation. When Pluto revisits this part of the zodiac, it encourages us to confront unresolved issues from the past and make necessary changes that align with our growth and evolution. This is a time to carefully review all aspects of your life and embrace transformation.

At this point, it is important to evaluate what no longer serves your progress. What has ceased to contribute to your growth and evolution must be let go. Letting go of outdated structures, relationships, or habits is crucial to making room for new opportunities that are more aligned with your true path.

Conversely, what brings inspiration and strengthens your sense of purpose should be welcomed into your life. This is a moment to open doors to opportunities that resonate with your deepest desires and begin building bridges to these positive directions. Do not resist what brings you closer to your authentic self; instead, invite it in and lay the groundwork for future growth.

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As Pluto moves through these final degrees of Capricorn, consider the following:

• Take a hard look at every aspect of your life – your relationships, your career, your personal goals. Identify what no longer supports your growth, and be willing to let it go.

• Embrace change as a necessary part of transformation. Trust that what you let go of will make room for new opportunities that are more aligned with your true purpose.

• Welcome what inspires and uplifts you. Begin to create space in your life for what brings you strength and joy, and begin taking steps to integrate these elements into your daily life.

• Focus on creating new paths that lead to growth and fulfillment. This is a time to take the initiative.

• Be open to deep personal transformation.

Pluto’s return to Capricorn is a powerful reminder that transformation is necessary and inevitable. By embracing this energy, you can cleanse and renew your life, paving the way for a brighter future.

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