The Basics of Astrology’s Rising Sign. Full Guide
- Sun Sign & Rising Sign. Whats the Difference
- What Is the Meaning of the Rising Sign in Astrology
- How Can I Find Out My Rising Sign
- How Do Rising Sign Traits Change in Each Zodiac Sign

Many people who have a thing for astrology are usually only eager to learn someone’s Sun sign.
In truth, the Sun sign should not be examined autonomously. Another immensely important aspect of one’s natal chart should be investigated as well. It is the rising sign.
Today, we’ll focus solely on its mysteries. We’ll find out how to find your astrological rising sign, what this sign even indicates, and how it changes depending on the constellation.
Sun Sign & Rising Sign. What’s the Difference?

It is a universally known fact that your Sun sign depends on your month of birth. So what determines your rising sign? Turns out, it’s the exact time of your birth. The moment you were born, a certain Zodiac sign was ascending on the East. That very sign leaves a mark on you that is arguably as important as the Sun sign.
What Is the Meaning of the Rising Sign in Astrology?

Now that you know what the rising sign is based on, we need to clarify what it means from the astrology standpoint. The influence of the rising sign covers those traits that we acquire in the course of our lives. It signifies how the inherent abilities, talents, and traits will be actualized during our lifetime.
By the way, some of you might have come across the term Ascendant. In case you were wondering, the Ascendant is the same as the rising sign. So don’t be confused as we interchange these terms throughout the article.
How Can I Find Out My Rising Sign?

Now let’s get to the core of the subject by answering a pressing question - “How do you calculate your rising sign?” If you know the time of birth then you’ll have little trouble unlocking the mystery of your rising sign.
In case you know the exact time of your birth, then you simply need to feed that information into a birth chart calculator and you’ll learn what your Ascendant is. If you aren’t quite sure, there is still a way to determine your rising sign.
You’ll need the help of a seasoned astrologer. Together, you will perform rectification, where you will go through the most important milestone of your life. This process, although complex, is the only way to learn the truth. Otherwise, how are you to know if you’re a Capricorn rising, a Leo rising, or a Sagittarius rising, right?
How Do Rising Sign Traits Change in Each Zodiac Sign?

Now that you have hopefully found out what your astrological rising sign is, it’s time to have a look at each of them in turn. Off we go!
Rising Sign in Aries
Since a ram is a symbol for this rising sign, it’s fitting that its bearer has similar traits. This person is a stubborn fighter who will never cease. They are all about following their impulses. People with their rising sign in Aries tend to be overly straightforward which usually earns them the label of “rude” and “impudent”.
A rising Aries woman is a passionate creature that covets independence and equality. She might not be conventionally beautiful and has mannerisms that are more male. Yet she is magnetic nonetheless. She is a natural-born leader but might face troubles in building her nest.
A man with the rising Aries is willpower and courage personified. He thinks he owns the world, and the world does not contradict. Despite being way too impulsive for his own good, a rising Aries is still a capable worker, with a strong sense of responsibility and hard work.
Rising Sign in Taurus
People who have their rising sign in Taurus are the embodiment of the gentle giant type. This person is never in a hurry. They have a seemingly endless supply of patience, however, if they reach their limit, they will charge their opponent like a raging bull. This tribe of people knows the importance of financial stability and is good at providing it to their partners.
A woman who has her rising sign in Taurus is serene and wise. She has a sophisticated taste that manifests in the way she dresses and furnishes her habitat. She respects money and starts providing for herself as soon as she can. Although she might not have a toned body, she is still charming and alluring.
A man with Taurus as his rising sign emits immense calmness. He never chases phantom pursuits. Such a man is apprehensive when it comes to all things new - new meals, new apartments, new travels.
Rising Sign in Gemini
When it comes to some of the best rising signs, rising Gemini is surely among them. This sign grants their bearers a brilliant mind along with an eloquent speech. They have endless interests and pursuits that, however, tend to dissipate their energy. Rising Gemini is an exceptionally interesting person to hold conversations with, but don’t expect to get into their inner circle - they lack the emotional intellect to connect with others.
A woman with this rising sign is curious and intellectually insatiable. She is quick to hop on some idea and is quick to get off it. This kind of woman is a charmer and usually dates several men at once since she can’t quite decide which one she should stick with.
A man who has his rising sign in Gemini is full of energy and thirst for knowledge. He is cunning and competitive, which turns him into a formidable foe. He is way too free-spirited to be bound to one woman for life. But is presented with a no-strings-attached kind of relationship, he’ll get behind it.
Rising Sign in Cancer
People who have their Ascendant in Water signs are bound to be charming. A rising Cancer disarms any person they encounter. Still, despite appearing to be all that empathetic and altruistic, rising Cancerians hide a steel backbone. They are fairly vain and opportunistic. They also thrive when lauded.
A woman who has a rising sign in Cancer is impressionable and sensitive. She is hardly able to process negative emotions. Such ladies are usually conventionally beautiful, with feminine curves and lush hair. They have an irresistible attraction to art. Besides, such women make amazing mothers.
A man who is a rising Cancerian is always locked in a battle between his ambitions and his shyness. He desperately needs to be lauded to cultivate the self-confidence he lacks. Being backed by his family does wonders.
Rising Sign in Leo
A person with their Sun in Leo can be seen from afar. But if they have a Leo Ascendant, their flamboyance is 10 times more intense. They have such radiant charisma that it seems to dwarf everyone around them. Couple it with regal manners and you’ll have an individual that is ready to take the stage at any moment. Such people are skilled at manipulating others and will even violate rules provided they gain something out of it.
A lady with her rising sign in Leo is of the socialite type. She is sharply dressed, well-mannered, and utterly self-confident. Although mostly kind and good-natured, she might succumb to the perks of a luxurious lifestyle that might snatch away her people-loving nature. If she does not reach the desired levels of prosperity and comfort, she might become a sarcastic hag. A woman like this needs a strong and reliable man. She is a good material for a loving wife and a caring mother.
The funny thing about a man with a rising Leo is that he manages to tower over other people without actually diminishing them. He is generous, honorable, and endlessly polite. People admire him and follow his leadership willingly. This man makes an amazing father who showers his kids with attention and gifts. What’s more, a rising Leo always stays true to his word.
Rising Sign in Virgo
People who have their rising sign is Virgo are usually those others look up to. They are all about self-improvement and discipline. Their emotions are usually swept under the carpet while their rationality rules their world. rising Virgos have a keen eye that spots any minute detail of everyday life. Being perfectionists, they have a hard time dealing with sloppy and untidy people and things.
The house of a woman with her rising sign in Virgo is so neat it might as well be sterile. This lady needs everything to be in perfect order, including her thoughts. Since perfection is a myth, she sees fault in everything and everyone, including herself. This lady has a pathological desire to know all the details that might annoy her dear and near.
A man with his rising sign in Virgo is a straight A-student. He might easily become a workaholic while chasing praise from his superiors. Even though he might look stoic on the outside, his inevitable mistakes cause such a degree of navel-gazing and self-deprecation that it usually results in a breakdown. On the plus side, such a man has the potential to become a wonderful supportive father.
Rising Sign in Libra
Libra is one of the best Ascendant signs to have. This rising sign position grants one a cheerful personality and a silver tongue. They try to get along with everyone. Such people have sophisticated tastes when it comes to art. They are gifted psychologists who value people’s inner beauty. Such people might come across as too soft and unaggressive. Well, go ahead and insult them then see what happens.
A lady with her rising sign in Libra is blessed with beauty, courtesy of Venus. She likes to be courted like a princess. Understandably, she never lacks suitors but it takes her a long time to open up to a potential partner. That woman likes to be sharply dressed as well as surround herself with finer things. If you are looking for a woman who would never contradict a man, then look no further than a rising Libra.
A man of rising Libra is seductively beautiful. The bad thing is that he knows it. So don’t be surprised to find him glued to the mirror for hours on end. On the plus side, he is charming and chivalrous. On the downside, he struggles to decide on his own. Besides, a deeply hidden self-consciousness sometimes prompts him to challenge people of higher status than himself.
Rising Sign in Scorpio
People are always eager to google “How do you figure out your rising sign?” But their enthusiasm wanes when they learn that they are rising Scorpios. There is no reason to worry, folks, because thanks to that Ascendant you inherit a mind capable of comprehending any concept and seeing through any mystery. Even though such people are filled with healthy anger to the brim, it only ever scorches those who wrong the Ascending Scorpios. Besides, their energy resources are nearly inexhaustible.
A female Ascending Scorpio is what they call a femme fatale. She is seductive and sexually insatiable. She is way too skilled at manipulating others thanks to her keen mind and observance. Still, deep inside she is constantly engaged in a battle with her laziness.
A man with his rising sign in Scorpio is straightforward, brash, and unable to follow the lead of someone else. People usually get in line to be his friend but the individual in question has a harsh screening process. Such men rarely become loving husbands as they mostly tend to diminish and downright insult their spouses.
Rising Sign in Sagittarius
People who have their Sun in Sagittarius are usually natural-born leaders, at least according to astrology. But if you are a rising Sagittarius, this trait is 10 times stronger. Such people inspire others to strive for more and never give up. Such a person is everyone’s friend, with a laid-back attitude and informal communication style. Ascending Sagittariuses are free-spirited and oh-so eager to make the world a better place. They enjoy both the pleasures of the flesh and intellectual pursuits in equal measure.
A female rising Sagittarius is cheerful, optimistic, and headstrong. She manages to balance being a loving mother and an aspiring businesswoman. She lacks the mystery in her but she is still adored by men for her God-given charm and amazing sense of humor.
A man of rising Sagittarius is the one who creates all the rules and expects the rest of the flock to follow them. He lacks patience and prudence and might wear people out. Still, he is the heart of every party and a welcome guest wherever he goes.
Rising Sign in Capricorn
Ascending Capricorns care about their social status above all else. Such people are ready to work the hardest and sacrifice fun and enjoyment on the way to their goals. They have a habit of suppressing their emotions and only let their guard down when they are with their families. Such people are the epitome of rational thinking and cold-bloodiness.
A woman with her rising sign in Capricorn is the overachiever of the family. She is disciplined and hardworking. She struggles to make her emotions seen or even known by others, which is why they often receive the label of an Ice Queen. As a mother, she tends to be loving albeit domineering.
A male Ascending Capricorn is nothing if not power-hungry. He is conservative, trustworthy, and smart. Upon achieving success, he never rests for there are so many more things to conquer. He makes an amazing father, capable of not only providing well for his family but also setting an inspiring example.
Rising Sign in Aquarius
Some people just don’t need to google “How do you find your ascendant sign?” because they probably already know. Case in point - Ascending Aquarians. These people are the mad scientist type. They are optimistic and ever-learning. They have their way of thinking that usually perplexes others. Still, their charm and sweet nature make them the lovable kind of a freak.
A female Ascending Aquarian is smart, independent, and quirky. She has a myriad of hobbies that bring home little money but tons of enjoyment. Such a lady is hungry for adventure and has no worries in the world.
A man with his Ascendant in Aquarius possesses a sharp mind and restless feet. Boasting an idealistic mindset, this person might be too eccentric for his good. He is a good and reliable friend. As a husband, though, he might not be the best option.
Pisces Rising Sign
Ascending Pisces try to live in two worlds at once - in the real one and one created by their fantasies. These people are beyond altruistic. They feed stray animals and help others less fortunate. Such people can be overly introverted to the point of seclusion.
A female rising Pisces is vulnerable and idealistic. She struggles to survive in a world of strict schedules and ruthless bosses. Such women have a savior complex that draws the wrong kind of people and situations to them. On the plus side, she is immensely gifted in the arts.
A man with his Ascendant in Pisces is joyful to the point of being infantile. He starts tons of things and he never sees them through to the end. Such a man cannot withstand being criticized. Instead, he longs to get everyone’s praise but does little to earn it.
And there you have it. Now you know how to figure out your rising sign and how to understand its influence on your personality. We hope we nailed the descriptions and you were able to look at yourself anew.