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What Are Earth Signs? Everything to Know About Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

earth sign in astrology
earth sign in astrology

What element can be stable and formidable yet nurturing and supportive? You are right, it’s Earth. The very thing we walk on, rely on and even feed on. So it seems to be a logical conclusion that people who belong to the Earth signs are just like that according to astrology - sturdy, yet giving. But is it so? Well, this is what we are here to find out. So put on your dustiest shoes because this is going to be a long walk. Let’s find out what earth signs mean in astrology.

What are Earth Signs? Astrology 101.

what does earth sign mean in astrology
what does earth sign mean in astrology

If you are new to the whole astrology thing, here’s a little breakdown of the Zodiac system for you. The 12 signs are divided into four distinct groups. Each of them is associated with one of the Aristotelian elements: Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. When it comes to the main question - what are earth signs in astrology? - we’d be happy to enlighten you. These are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. You might be wondering - why on Earth (wink-wink) were those three signs put into one group? The thing is that these three categories of people exhibit pretty similar traits. Let’s now find out what these individuals are really like.  

What Should You Know About Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn?

what are the earth signs in astrology
what are the earth signs in astrology

First, let’s start with what makes the Earth people who they are. Well, the Earth signs both in Vedic and in Western astrology are said to be pragmatic, reliable, and exceptionally caring. They possess an amazing talent for approaching problems with practical solutions that work. They are hardworking, stable, and down-to-earth. They have a strong connection to material things but in a good way. They love comfort and pleasant sensory experiences more than any other signs. The main shortcomings of Tauruses, Virgos, and Capricorns of this world are their stubbornness and their resentment towards irrational things. 

What Are the Main Characteristics of the Earth Signs?

what is an earth sign in astrology
what is an earth sign in astrology

Now that we have a pressing question of what the Earth signs in astrology are out of the way, let’s take a closer look at each of them, in turn, to see how their earthly traits manifest themselves in them. 

Taurus. “I’m Stable”

Make no mistake - this Zodiac sign is the most tenacious and hardworking sign out there. The Tauruses of this world are independent and organized, honorable and patient. They like to have their things and their time neatly organized, and if anything goes wrong, they tend to lose their mind (but not their cool). 

They appreciate it when others leave them alone to ponder. If there is one thing you should never do to a Taurus is rushing them. Despite their formidable looks, these people are kind and generous. However, you’ll never find a way to change their mind - unearthing a centuries-old oak tree would be easier.
Male Tauruses are calm and reasonable. They are mostly conservative but the influence of Venus still leaves enough room for inventive romance. When it comes to courting a woman, well, hold onto your pearls, because no man does it better. Tauruses make amazing fathers and endlessly devoted husbands. Provided you can stand their stubbornness.

A female Taurus is the embodiment of femininity. She is alluring, elegant, and utterly smart. What’s more, her spirit is uncrushable. She manages to balance rationality and sensitivity. Despite being somewhat fragile and sophisticated on the outside, this woman possesses such determination that would put men to shame. Oh yes, her house is the loveliest and best-smelling one on the street.

Virgo. “I’m Organized”

The Virgos of this world see it as their life mission to rid the world of chaos. This manifests itself through their obsession with cleanliness and their critical stance on people’s vices. They are curious beyond normal and possess an uncannily sharp memory. Even though the Virgos are perfect leaders, they rarely covet this position - they see little use in leading people.

The Virgos are slightly prone to anxiety. This all stems from their unhealthy desire to do everything perfectly. What’s worse, they try to be perfect against all odds. Worse yet, they want others to be perfect as well, which opens the spillways for the infamous Virgos’ critical rants. 

A male Virgo is so picky when it comes to women that he sometimes ends up being a bachelor. But if he manages to find the perfect woman, then she would be in for a life of stability and safety. After all, this is what a male Virgo is best at providing.  

A female Virgo is confident that she is the right person for the job. Any job. Well, at least she has the brain and skills for it, that’s for sure. She might appear somewhat cold and distant, so it takes a special kind of man to ignite her inner spark. If he does, he will be rewarded with a loving wife and a caring mother of his children. 

Capricorn. “I’m Ambitious”

Goal-oriented is not a strong enough word to describe the Capricorn people. This bunch is so driven to achieve success, that it can be a meme by now. And they know how to reach this success. After all, the Capricorns are organized, methodical, and responsible. But what they don’t know is that there is no room for arrogance on the path to success.

Unexpectedly, the Capricorns can be touchy and prone to loneliness. They secretly desire to be praised and respected - this gives them an immense boost of energy and confidence. While amazing planners, the Capricorns also know how to navigate unexpected changes and shifts. 

A male Capricorn is the poster child for willpower. He knows what he wants and he sure knows how to get it. He craves money and power but that does not make him repulsively materialistic - he does it to secure a lavish life for himself and his family. These men are open and honest, albeit overly straightforward. Regardless, they make good husbands who make sure their union is strong and lasting. 

A female Capricorn is all about being independent, even to a fault. She is diligent and tenacious, ready to fight even the losing battles. Such a woman never takes the road of least resistance, believing that the most significant victories come from the bloodiest of battles. Surprisingly, when it comes to family, this warrior puts down her weapons and becomes the world’s most loving wife and mother. She needs to have a family. Without it, her life feels empty.    

Who Are Earth Signs Most Compatible With?

earth signs in astrology
earth signs in astrology

Even though you already know all about the Earth signs in astrology, it’s still worth staying with us, since we are now entering a new fascinating territory - compatibility. Let’s learn how the Tauruses, Virgos, and Capricorns of this world match with other people and why the Earth signs are attracted to the Fire signs in astrology. Shall we?

Tauruses’ Most Compatible Signs

  • Virgo. Two headstrong people in one union might seem like too much, but when these two are also patient and well-organized is another matter. They will thrive and surround themselves with all things luxurious and cozy. 

  • Pieces. The dreamy Pieces will be held down closer to the ground by the loving bull. In the meantime, the Pieces will fill the Taurus’ boring world with the air of magic and mystery.

  • Cancer. These two both like it calm and cozy. A patient and nurturing Taurus will easily withstand the Cancer’s emotional bursts. The latter will be forever thankful.

  • Capricorn. The Taurus will admire the Capricorn’s love for hard work and overall determination. And we know that a lauded Capricorn is a happy Capricorn.  

Virgos’ Most Compatible Signs

  • Scorpio. If you want some steamy passion, then try combining these two. Even though this coupling does not make a lot of sense on paper, in reality, they are a match made in heaven.

  • Taurus. While the bull might demand dominance in the union, a flexible Virgo will be fine with that. Their love for stability and comfort is another reason their union will be strong.

  • Capricorn. The pairing of these two seems very natural. Both have the same level of discipline and similar aspirations. 

  • Cancer. These two live by a similar creed - they need to make someone happy. They will care for each other like no one else.

Capricorns’ Most Compatible Signs

  • Cancer. A stoic goat and a sensitive crab? This might just work. Both these individuals love their homes and would rather spend their whole lives living secluded. 

  • Scorpio. These two individuals are all about reaching their goals, albeit utilizing different approaches. Besides, they will adore and cherish each other.

  • Taurus. These signs are both grounded, calm, and stable. Besides, their love languages match perfectly.

  • Virgo. We can only imagine how clean and orderly their life would be. Both parties will love it. 

Who Are the Earth Signs Least Compatible With?

earth signs in vedic astrology
earth signs in vedic astrology

Now you know what Zodiac signs the Earth signs need to stick with to be happy, according to astrology. Let’s now look at who they should swipe left on.

Tauruses’ Least Compatible Signs

  • Aquarius. Everything is too different about them - their aspirations, their lifestyle preferences, and their energies, just to name a few. A Taurus person needs calm and predictability. There appears to be none, whenever a free-spirited Aquarian is around.

  • Gemini. Here’s another example of how a stable and methodical Taurus simply cannot tolerate a volatile person. Although a Gemini might attract a Taurus at first, the moment things go out of the pre-planned order, the Taurus will leave.

  • Aries. A fiery Ram will be a bad choice for a reserved Taurus. But there is a mutual attraction between Earth and Fire nonetheless, so at least these two can be friends.   

  • Scorpio. There is nothing stable about his union. One moment they loathe each other, the next they are cuddling. It is doubtful that such drastic shifts of attitude will bring pleasure to either party. 

Virgos’ Least Compatible Signs

  • Aquarius. Even though on the surface these two might seem a good match, the union will be broken the moment a critical Virgo opens their mouth. No self-respecting Aquarian will stand criticism, even justified. 

  • Leo. A humble and hardworking Virgo will never be able to comprehend an attention-seeking, taking-all-for-granted Leo and vice versa.

  • Aries. Sure, they will be drawn to one another, but ultimately they will resent each other. There is too much passion in Aries and too much pragmatism in Virgo. 

  • Sagittarius. These two speak different languages. Virgos seek order and stability. Sagittariuses create and thrive in chaos. 

Capricorns’ Least Compatible Signs

  • Libra. A free-spirited Libra will never convince a conservative Capricorn to try something new. A new partner maybe, but that would be it.

  • Gemini. Goats are all about being serious and responsible. Can you guess which sign embodies the opposite? Right. A strong union between these two is impossible. 

  • Aries. Sure, they have tons of things in common, that is why the Fire rams are infatuated with the Earth goats. But they will lock their horns and engage in an endless fight over who is the stubbornest. 

  • Sagittarius. A rebel and a conservative creating a couple? Not likely, unless they work hard on accepting their partners as they are. 

Well, now you know what Earth signs in astrology are and how to deal with them. In the meantime, make sure to reach out to your dear and near Earth signs and thank them for their deep care, nurturing love, and relentless tenacity.

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