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What Do the 12 Houses Mean in Astrology? A Full Guide

meanings of houses in astrology
meanings of houses in astrology

If you are new to astrology, the topic we are about to cover might confuse you. What? Houses? I only thought there were signs! - we can almost hear you exclaim. If you already know your way around this eons-old craft, then you are probably rubbing your palms excitedly, all hungry for more knowledge. Now that’s the spirit!

But regardless of where you are in your journey to uncover all the mysteries of this craft, the meaning of houses in astrology is a topic that requires both time and patience to thoroughly comprehend. As it does to cover it, to be honest. So let’s ask our Higher Selves to work a bit harder right now so that we can enter the fascinating world of astrology and leave it all enlightened and satisfied. Off we go then! 

Astrology 101. What Are Houses Anyway?

what do the houses mean in astrology
what do the houses mean in astrology

To understand what the houses in astrology mean, we need to understand what the houses even are. Take a look at your natal chart. You will notice that it comes in the shape of a circle. This circle with the Houses represents the Earth’s rotation around its axis, a full 360°. This circle is divided into 12 segments, each being a House. As you probably know, the natal chart is sort of a freeze frame of the sky map the moment you were born. Dividing it into 12 segments allows each House to cover 30° of the sky map, showing the exact location of planets and constellations. 

That’s it? you could be wondering? This is what the Houses mean in astrology? A mere astronomical position of celestial bodies? Well, from a strictly astronomical standpoint, yes. But in terms of astrology, each of these Houses has its significance to the natal chart owner. Each of the 12 segments represents a certain area of your life. And whatever planet or a constellation happens to occupy it will have an impact on this very part of your life. Sounds cryptic and slightly fatalistic? Don’t worry, we’ll make it all a bit clearer in a moment. 


Signs VS Houses: What’s the Relation?

what do houses mean in astrology
what do houses mean in astrology

You know, as much as people wonder what houses in astrology mean, they also tend to ask this - how do the Zodiac signs play into all of this? Allow us to elaborate. Let’s again look at a person's natal chart. While you can see the circle of Houses that represents how the Earth moves around itself, you can also notice that there is another 12-segmented circle. This other circle represents the Earth’s movement around the Sun. This is the full Zodiac cycle that even people who know squat about astrology are familiar with.

These two circles - the Houses and the Zodiac signs - align, although not always evenly. Whichever sign happens to govern most of a House, plays a crucial role in how this particular area of life is going to unravel. What’s more - remember that you have various planets harboring in your various Houses? The presence of a particular planet also has its unique influence on a certain aspect of your life represented by the House. Now you see why natal charts are notoriously tricky to read?  

Birth Chart Overview. How to Calculate the Houses’ Positions?

what does house mean in astrology
what does house mean in astrology

So now that you know the theory of what the houses in astrology mean, wouldn't you be willing to take a glimpse at how they look on your natal chart? Well, we are not actually going to build a birth chart right now as it requires a lot more time and accuracy than we can muster, but we’ll give you a full overview of the process. 

When you are born, there is a certain Rising Sign on the Eastern horizon. This sign kicks off the whole Houses cycle, starting with the 1st House. The Houses follow each other counterclockwise. Some say that the direction represents the soul’s evolution when it grows from a self-centered thing (as the 1st House represents the Self) to a Higher Being (since the 12th House covers all things spiritual).

While it might sound tricky to build a chart that will not only pinpoint the exact location of celestial bodies at the moment of your birth but also divide the sky map into equal 30° segments, there is nothing for you to worry about. Online services and specialized software perform this task with utmost precision. The only thing you need to do is to punch in the exact time of your birth, down to minutes. So go on and sneak a peek at what your birth chart looks like in terms of Houses and then come back to learn more about the meaning of each House in astrology.

Astrological Houses. What Does Each of Them Signify?

what does houses mean in astrology
what does houses mean in astrology

Now comes the time to talk about each of the Houses in more detail. You already know that each House is, let’s say, in charge of a certain aspect of a person’s life. What you might not know is that all the 12 Houses are in turn divided into two nominal groups. 

The first group covers the first six Houses that are considered to be personal Houses. As this term suggests, these Houses are all about who a person is and aspires to be. They also reflect our day-to-day life and our immediate family and environment. The Houses from 7 to 12 deal with more interpersonal issues. They cover relationships of romantic and business nature, career, your relationship with God, etc.  

There is yet another way to look at the Houses layout that is also important when it comes to a natal chart reading. According to their position on the chart, the Houses can be divided into three groups: angular, succedent, and cadent.

  • The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Houses fall under the category of angular Houses. They are viewed as the most important aspects of your life and attract the most attention when it comes to astrological readings. 
  • Succedent Houses are the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th. These houses offer you support whenever you need it. Their energy is solid and stable.
  • The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th are called the cadent Houses. These Houses sort of close a certain stage in life and invite a person to introspect. Their energy is a bit volatile. 

Now, let’s bravely dive into the Houses themselves to finally uncover their mysteries and understand their lessons. Shall we?

1st House: Self Image

The 1st House is also sometimes called the ascendant. This is the House that will spill everything about the person in question. It influences the person’s appearance, their communication quirks, and even their preferred style of clothing. 

The first House is the House of self-image as it dictates how we look at ourselves and at the life around us. It would be unfair to say that the 1st House is the only defining House of our personality. It’s just the 1st House dictates which side of them a person chooses to show to the world. 

The First House also deals with recurring themes in an individual's life. The reason behind it is the influence the House has on how we approach changes, new challenges, and troubles that come our way.

Since the 1st House belongs to the angular Houses, whichever planner occupies it will have its influence cranked up to 11. 

Getting a full understanding of your 1st House situation will help you understand your potential compatibility with others, the challenges your outlook on life might attract to you, as well as possible career paths you might want to consider. 

2nd House. Income

The 2nd House is traditionally associated with money, income, and the things we own. But it goes far beyond that, as this House also represents things that we value. 

If you look past the material side of ownership, you will see that the 2nd House also covers the non-material things we own, like talents and energy resources. The House hints that if you put these resources to proper use, prosperity is all but guaranteed. 

The 2nd House also deals with a sensitive issue of self-worth. After all, the issue of money flow is strongly dependent upon an individual's sense of self-worthiness. 

If you wonder what you really need to get from your life to feel satisfied and secure, then the 2nd House is the one to show you. It helps you understand what it means to feel sage and content. 

Make sure to analyze this House to understand what inherent talents and resources you were born with and how to improve them to succeed in life. 

3rd House. Communication

There are so many answers to the question of what this house means in astrology. Some say it’s about your communication. Others insist that it deals with your mind and overall intellect. They are all right in their own way, as the 3rd House meaning in astrology is how we perceive the world.

The 3rd House is also strongly associated with speech, discussions, debates, and an ability to network smoothly. The communication style of a particular individual will be heavily influenced by the sign governing the House. For instance, if it is Leo or Aries, then this individual will be comfortable with public speech, whereas Capricorn will make the person in question difficult to establish contact with. 

Another topic covered by the House is our childhood and how we are educated during this time. By analyzing this House, parents might find the key that will unlock their child’s natural talents and inherent skills. By analyzing your own 3rd House, you will be able to determine how your mind really works and how to engage it in order to find a sense of purpose in life. 

As a multi-faceted House, the 3rd one also deals with our siblings and neighbors. 

4th House. Family

This House is all about roots, home, and our parents. The 4th House gives the person in question a sense of belonging - to a nation, family, clan, etc. The sign and the planets occupying this House heavily influence the person’s parents (their father in particular) and the environment that they have been brought up in.

For instance, here is the meaning of the likes of Jupiter and Venus in 4th House according to astrology - it’s safe to say that the individual had a happy childhood where they were nurtured and loved. The presence of benevolent planets in said House creates a stable foundation that makes it easy to have a prosperous and joyful life. 

If the 4th House is occupied by Mars or Saturn, then there was little joy in a person’s childhood and they might struggle with unresolved traumas and lack of self-acceptance.  

Another issue that the 4th House influences is our sense of inner safety and content. If you want to understand what makes you feel all comfortable and cozy, then look into your 4th House. This House can reflect your deepest inner needs like no other House can. 


5th House. Joy

The meaning of 5th house in astrology is closely connected to its governing star - the Sun. This House is all about bliss, enthusiasm, and creation. And by creation, we don’t just mean the art you are giving birth to. The 5th House famously deals with children, too. Depending on the sign aligned with this House, an individual will either want to have a basket full of little rugrats (Cancer or Pisces) or choose to procreate as little as possible (Gemini).

Another life area that the 5th House influences is romantic love. The richer the House is, the purer the love a particular individual is willing to give out. This makes them utterly attractive to potential love interests. 

A joyful House indeed, the 5th sky segment also deals with your self-expression. Whichever planet harbors here or whichever sign influences the House will show you your unique path of self-expression that will be the best outlet for your inherent talents.

By the way, if you are willing to try your luck in a lottery, make sure to analyze this House. After all, it also governs how we react to competitions and contests. A strong 5th House could indicate a possible win. 

6th House. Health

If you only give this House a passing glance, you might consider it to be somewhat insignificant. After all, it seems to deal with routine, day-to-day things, caring for your health, that sort of thing. However, keep in mind that this House connects the 5th and the 7th. In other words, the effort that the 6th House signifies makes your self-expression possible and visible to others. As for the connection to the 7th House - the 6th House, as its predecessor, conducts some major inner digging and problem-solving that prepares a person to possible partnership. 

The 6th House in astrology means the way we approach our work and our duties. These duties not only include those required from us by our employers but also implies our duties to our healthy lifestyle. It’s no secret that these two issues are closely intertwined, as a healthy lifestyle makes sure that we have enough energy to properly work, whereas a wisely organized work process and environment heavily influences our health.  

Analyzing your 6th House will help you get a good idea about what health issue you might  potentially face. For instance, the meaning behind Saturn in 6th House is astrology’s way of warning you against nervous system ailments. And if this House is occupied by Mars, make sure to be careful - you could be accident-prone.

7th House. Partnerships

The meaning of the 7th House in astrology is fairly simple - it’s all about partnership and how we build connections with others. While traditionally all about romantic and business partnerships, this House also tackles your adversaries and competitors. This can be explained by the fact that the 7th House sits opposite the 1st House, which, as you remember, represents the Self. This opposition is reflected in the way an individual opposes others’ interests and opinions. 

Some people call this House a Mirror of Self as well. We attract certain people into our lives that help us truly see ourselves and realize what traits we are lacking. Whether we feel comfortable in a relationship will depend on the planets that occupy this House.

What’s more, the nature of this House will also determine what kind of person would become our partner in life. A strong planet will expectedly help us find a loving and caring partner and will amplify our good personal traits. On the contrary, the likes of Mars could bring unnecessary drama into your union, whereas Saturn will make sure that your bond is purely based on duties to each other and a forced commitment.

8th House. Death

There is no need to fear this House despite its name. After all, what is death if not an ending to one cycle and an inevitable beginning of another? Simply speaking, this house deals with crises and the subsequent transformation of an individual. 

Some astrologers also consider the 8th House to cover resources that come to a person from the outside world. These could be money gained through some lucky partnership or even an inheritance. Despite being seemingly generous, the 8th House however warns an individual against indulging themself with the outside resources beyond measure. The House is positioned against the 2nd House, signifying that there should be a balance between taking and giving. 

The planets and signs attributed to the 8th House disclose the depth of the transformation the person will go through following some trauma or crisis. Strong planets within this House signify that the person will become twice as powerful and enter a new stage in life.  

Surprisingly, the 8th House also deals with intimacy and sex. There is a reason for it, as intimate relationships help us truly open up and change who we are, thus leading us through a transformation.     

9th House. Higher Mind

The key ideas attributed to the 9th House are the themes of education, search for God, and travel. This House is considered of lesser importance, but there is no reason to dismiss it, as it still precedes the 10th House of Career.

The 9th House is all about possibilities and new beginnings in life. The characteristics of this House will indicate which route you should take and what skill you need to develop. Besides, this House influences your stance on religion. The stronger your House is, the more defined the person’s view on the meaning of life. A compromised 9th House heavily affects the person’s search for a direction in life. 

Since the House deals with possibilities, it also covers the person’s interaction with other countries and cultures. The stronger the House is, the more insights and new knowledge the person in question will gain after getting in contact with outlanders.

Those people with a compromised 9th House will have trouble taking their prior experience into account while planning their future actions. On the contrary, those with strong planets in the House have a habit of thoroughly planning their future based on their past mistakes.

10th House. Career

To be fair, the 10th House means a lot more than just a career. This House aligns with the highest point of your natal chart - the Midheaven - and symbolizes your overall achievements as a person. And sure, these achievements do include your career, but they also include finding and following your purpose in life, your aspirations as well as your social status.

The 10th House deals with the person’s social mission. If weakened or malignant planets occupy this House, then the road to success will be bumpy and dimly lit. In case your 10th House is strong, occupied by the likes of Venus or Jupiter, then you are sure to receive valuable help on your ascent up the social ladder. 

If your 10th House is aligned with fire signs, then you’ll be able to clearly see your path to success and will have little trouble gaining the courage to follow it. On the contrary, those with air signs in the 10th House will need a piece of advice or a gentle nudge to find the right direction.  

Another meaning of the 10th House has to do with our superiors and how we regard them. The nature of signs and planets that reign over this House will determine how the person treats those who are above him and how they treat this individual back. 

11th House. Friends

If you ask some people what the 11th House means in astrology, they’ll tell you, without batting an eye, that this House is the House of our Guardian Angel. And they are right, in a sense. But the Angel does not manifest itself in the form of a winged figure. On the contrary, the Angel works through those people who surround us and care for us - our friends.
The 11th House deals with how we communicate with our friends, associates, and other social groups that we belong to. The more planets the House harbors, the more friends an individual is bound to have. You can even guess the type of people you are likely to be more comfortable with. See what sign aligns with the 11th House - this is the Sun sign of people you’ll be happy to call your friends.

If you take a broader look at the 11th House, you’ll see that it also deals with our overall contribution to humanity. After all, the more we open through communication with our friends, the more energetic and creative we become. This boost helps us generate new ideas and create new concepts that will serve mankind.

12th House. Inner World

The meaning of 12th House in astrology is bound to make you somewhat uncomfortable if not flatout sad. The closing House of the cycle is all about seclusion, mystery, and darkness. And even helplessness, because this House in a way symbolizes the time when there are no options left and you have no control over whatever is happening. 

The stronger your 12th House is, the more connection you have to the world beyond. This could manifest itself through a strong intuition and a high level of empathy. In case of a compromised 12th House, all the positive aspects of self-isolation and introspection will give way to escapism and destructive self-indulgence.

The 12th House deals with our inevitable introspection and subsequent realization that there is something bigger than ourselves in this world. Whether it is God or our Higher Self matters not, because we are ready to finally merge with it. 

And that’s it. We have finally covered what each House means in astrology. We hope that the ride did not tire you out and that you are now curious to have a look at your natal chart and examine what secrets your own Houses hold. You won’t believe how much useful information you can get even from a single House! So do your best to study them all to finally realize your positive traits, embrace the negative ones, and build a steady and exciting path to success. 

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