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What Do Dreams About Falling Mean? Reveal the Hidden Meaning

what does it mean when you dream about falling
what does it mean when you dream about falling

Fear of falling from heights might just be one of the more common phobias. So it is double unsettling when this happens in one place we usually feel particularly safe in - our sleep. Dreams of falling from heights leave us disoriented, confused, and wanting answers.

Well, we are about to provide you with some. In this article, we are going to tackle this breed of nightmares. So let’s learn what it means when you dream about falling and how to harness whatever these dreams are hinting you at. So grab your rappelling gear as we descend to the core of your falling dreams.

How Do You Interpret Dreams About Falling?

dream of falling off cliff
dream of falling off cliff

Before we get down to the bottom (no pun) of our dreams of falling, we need to fully realize one crucial fact - dreams don’t usually just happen. They aren’t just some sequence of random images with no real meaning behind them.

In truth, our nightly visions are the way for our psyche and spirit to process certain events in our lives. What’s more, dreams, especially nightmares, often reflect our deepest fears and anxieties. 

So if you are struggling to understand what the meaning of your falling dreams is, start by gathering all the info you can. Where did you fall from? Was it a building or some natural formation? 

What did you feel during the fall? Was it fear or elation, dread or euphoria? Another important question would be “What did you do after your fall?” All these little details matter a great deal. So if you are wondering what it means when you dream of falling, be sure to write them all down to have a clearer understanding of your nightmares’ context. 

What Do Dreams About Falling Even Mean?

dream of falling from height
dream of falling from height

Well, we’ve reached the moment when you can finally say something along the lines of “I had a dream that I was falling. What on Earth could this mean?” Time to find out. 

  • - You feel that you are losing control: Your fear of heights in dreams might stem from your feeling of helplessness and utter insecurity that you struggle with during your waking hours. 

  • There could be situations in your life when you almost physically feel like you are losing grip. These situations might have to do with your career, romantic relationship, or your place in life. 

  • - You are under a lot of stress: There comes a time when you should stop asking things like “What does it mean when you dream of falling?” and ask yourself this instead - “When was the last time I felt safe and let myself  relax?” 

  • If you have entered a spell of overwhelming stress, then dreams about falling are likely to haunt you. They reflect your fear of being unable to manage life’s challenges.  

  • - You are overwhelmed by self-doubt: The pesky imposter syndrome might be the reason behind dreams of falling off a cliff or some other high place. The lack of confidence and fear of not measuring up is what causes you to dream of falling (i.e. failing).

  • - You are going through changes: Major transitions usually translate into disturbing dreams, and falling in your dream is yet another way for your psyche to cope with the changes. 

  • The height you fall from usually reflects the magnitude of said changes. For instance, dreams of falling from the sky mean that something truly major is happening in your life. 

What Do You Feel When You Are Falling in Dreams?

what do dreams about falling mean
what do dreams about falling mean

If you’ve come here with a question like “What does it mean when you dream that you are falling?”, we genuinely hope that you are content with what you’ve learned. Now what do you say we dig a little deeper into these disturbing dreams to try to understand their messages a little better?

By the way, have you ever wondered if your experience of dreaming of heights and falling differs from other people? See if you have had similar sensations:

  • - A stomach-dropping feeling
  • - Intense panic
  • - A sense of utter powerlessness
  • - Adrenaline surging
  • - A feeling of surrender

So if next time you meet a person who is similarly plagued by vivid nightmares of falling, ask them about their experience. By the way, if that person asks you things like “What does it mean if I fall in my dream?”, you know what to tell them. 

What Do Different Types of Falling Dreams Mean?

i had a dream that i was falling
i had a dream that i was falling

Now that we are aware of why we have dreams about falling on the surface level, let’s now deepen our knowledge of such nightmares. Time to see what different versions of such visions mean. 

  • - Falling off a cliff. If you dream about falling off a cliff, then pay attention to how you deal with pressure. You might be way too overwhelmed with responsibilities. Time to give yourself a breather.

  • - Falling into water. If you have dreams about falling off a bridge in some murky river or lake, this might point to your emotional vulnerability. You have an unconscious desire for some emotional transformation. Maybe, it’s a wakeup call you’ve been waiting for.

  • - Falling off a tall building. Similarly to dreaming of falling off a cliff, such a vision speaks of pressure, but this time it has to do with your fear of losing your social status. Perhaps, it’s time to review your values in life. 

  • - Falling in slow motion. When you are falling slowly enough to be able to wonder things like “What does it mean when you dream of falling?” then perhaps your psyche is busy processing your ongoing transition. The slow pace of your fall suggests that you are under less stress compared to your fellow falling dreamers. 

What Do Dreams of Someone Else Falling Mean?

fear of heights in dreams
fear of heights in dreams

We know the explanation behind your plunges into the unknown. But what do dreams about someone else falling mean? Dreams of seeing someone else diving can easily be even more unsettling. There are several reasons such dreams torment you.

For starters, witnessing someone fall might suggest that you failed to support or comfort someone you love. Another interpretation hints that these dreams symbolize a shift in your relationship dynamics (provided you know the person falling).

Some psychologists theorize that such dreams mean that there is an unresolved conflict between you and the person in question. The most harmless of reasons is your concern for their well-being.

What Do Recurring Dreams About Falling Mean?

dream about falling off a cliff
dream about falling off a cliff

Let’s tick the boxes. We now know what a dream of falling means and what its variations suggest. Feel like we could elaborate on the subject? Then it’s high time we talked about recurring dreams of falling.

That’s right, some people tend to see those regularly. If you are one of them, then here’s what you should pay attention to:

  • - You have unresolved anxiety
  • - You are under chronic stress that is not addressed properly
  • - You suppress fears that require attention from a specialist
  • - You need personal growth

How Can You Avoid or Prevent Dreams About Falling?

dreams about falling off a bridge
dreams about falling off a bridge

Since dreams about falling are no picnic, it would be understandable if you wanted to get rid of them altogether. It is possible but requires patience and persistence. 

Provides that most of these nightmares stem from stress, you should start by making your daily life more bearable. Try anxiety-relieving techniques like meditation, journaling, art, or dance therapy. 

Stick to a strict bedtime routine that would include light activity before bed, a cup of mint or camomile tea, and some reading. Be sure to go to bed according to schedule.

While these might seem like surface-level tips, practicing them works wonders. And if something works, why fix it?

When Do You Need Professional Help for Disturbing Dreams?

falling meaning in dreams
falling meaning in dreams

Whether you have seldom or recurring dreams of falling, they sometimes might get too overwhelming. Consider seeking professional help if you have dreams about falling:

  • - Affect your daily life
  • - Prevent you from having proper sleep
  • - Persist despite your anxiety level diminishing

If dreams about falling harm your life, you have at least two options to deal with them. For one, consulting a mental health professional will help you identify the underlying stressors that trigger your nightmares and deal with them. A therapist will also provide you with tools to keep your anxiety levels at bay.

Another option that you have is to seek help from AdAstra psychics. They will help you interpret your dreams about falling from a spiritual and energy perspective. With their help, you’ll be able to finally comprehend the message your Higher Self is sending you.

What Should I Do If I Dream About Falling?

meaning of dreams falling
meaning of dreams falling

Those who came here wondering things like “Why am I falling in my dream?”, are you happy with your revelations? 

If you aren’t, then consider rereading the article to finally comprehend that dreams about falling come with a message. And this message can usually be broken down to this - take a much-deserved break. Dreams of falling all but scream that you are under a lot of stress that you fail to recognize. Look your anxiety in the eyes and muster the courage to deal with it. Stop seeing nightmares about falling. Start seeing dreams about flying instead.

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