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What Does It Mean to Fly in Your Dreams? Find Out Here

significance of flying in dreams
significance of flying in dreams

When we were children, almost all of us dreamt of flying at least once. “I was flying in my dream” we would confide with our parents in a sleepy husky voice come morning. 

It’s no wonder that people have a fondness for dreams of being able to fly. They not only take us back to childhood but also provide us with a sensation we are unlikely to experience in real life.   

But have you ever stopped to wonder what flying in a dream means? What is the meaning behind the visions of us soaring high in the sky with the birds? Why not find out right away? 

Right here and now, let’s take a couple of minutes to learn the meaning of flying in dreams. So grab this kite by the string as we ascend to wisdom.

How Do You Interpret Dreams About Flying?

what does it mean when you are flying in your dream
what does it mean when you are flying in your dream

Before you perform any interpretation of flying dreams, you must first do some groundwork. In this case, you need to take some life inventory. What has been happening to you lately? Are there any major changes going on or challenges disrupting your well-being?

Next, move on to verbalizing the emotions you experience while flying in your dream. Is it fear or excitement? What do you feel afterward - relief or longing?

Besides, noticing specific details of a dream of flight greatly helps with interpreting those dreams. Were you flying in the open like a bird or did you instead have a dream about flying in a plane?

One more thing - you will have an easy time answering questions like “Why can I fly in my dreams?” if you take the time to understand your association with the notion of freedom. After all, in a few sentences, you’ll learn how closely the meaning of this word is intertwined with dreaming that you can fly.

What Do Dreams About Flying Even Mean?

interpretation of flying dreams
interpretation of flying dreams

So what exactly does it mean when you are flying in your dream? Many things. The significance of flying in dreams varies from person to person depending on their life experience and their current emotional state. In this article, we have rounded up the most common and plausible interpretations of such visions.

- You crave freedom: Here is the more obvious reason you fly in your dreams. You have an urge to break free from whatever oppresses you. 
These oppressors might be the limitations that come in the form of work, relations, or even self-inflicted boundaries.  

- You feel in control: “I’ve had a dream that I can fly” usually says a person who feels in control of their life circumstances. 
Flying confidently in one’s dream suggests that the person in question feels that they are capable of overcoming whatever challenges that are in their way. 

- You are going through a spiritual awakening: Dreams of flying are rife in symbolism. And nothing speaks louder than the very sensation of rising above the earth.
Dreams of flying suggest that you are now transcending everyday problems and reaching a whole new level of consciousness.  

- You have escapist tendencies: What does dream of flying mean in terms of negative interpretations? We have one word for you - avoidance. 
Dreaming of flying - or rather flying away from something - means that you are actively trying to escape some unpleasant situation. 

What Do You Feel When You Dream About Flying?

why can i fly in my dreams
why can i fly in my dreams

Now that you know what dreaming about flying means, let’s tackle the sensations that permeate these visions. Again, these sensations vary greatly from person to person, but most dreams report that they experience this:

  • Weightlessness - many people feel as if they are lighter than air. What’s even more amazing is that this sensation of feeling little to no gravity carries over in the first moment after waking. 

  • Exhilaration - “I’m having a dream that I am flying!” might be the only thought circling through a person’s head as they find themself soaring in the sky. Pure joy and the feeling of endless possibilities cause this kind of elation.

  • Anxiety - Some people experience anxiety that borders on full-on fear if they see themselves airborne. It is worth noting that this unpleasant sensation is only bothering dreamers in the first few moments after they take off. The further they go into their dream of flying like a bird, the more confidence they gain. 

  • Some lucky dreamers even report the sensation of the wind blowing in their faces, temperature shifts, or even the very sensation of moving through space. It seems like this bunch has all the right to rave “I was flying in my dream!”

What Do Different Types of Flying Dreams Mean?

what does flying in a dream mean
what does flying in a dream mean

There are many ways in which people fly during their waking hours, so it is perfectly reasonable that they should have various ways of flying in their dreams, too. Here are the distinct meanings various flying dreams have:

  • Dreams about being on a plane suggest that you covet freedom, especially when it comes to financial matters. Perhaps, you feel way too restricted by your one frugality. 

  • If you are flying using your wings, then you are in the midst of some serious personal growth or have a strong desire for more freedom and independence. 

  • If you are soaring through the sky Superman-style, then you are quite confident that other people need your help. What’s more, you are sure that you can provide it. 

  • Struggling to fly hints that you are facing obstacles that you don’t have the resources to overcome.

  • Flying effortlessly means confidence and self-assurance. You feel like you are in complete control of things happening in your life.  

What Does It Mean If You Dream of Someone Else Flying?

dream about flying in a plane
dream about flying in a plane

  • We have tackled the meaning behind dreams where you take center stage. But what about dreams when you see someone else flying in an airplane or by themself? Well, it should come as no surprise that these dreams have a profound meaning as well. 

  • Seeing someone you know fly like a bird might reflect your perception of their success. Or it could be their freedom that you marvel at. 

  • If a stranger is flying by, then you should have a good look at your personality. Strangers represent a hidden, barely known aspect of yourself. If it is flying, then it craves liberation out of the shadows. 

  • Flying with someone as if you were Superman and Lois Lane suggests that you long for a closer connection with them. 

  • Seeing a person fly away from you is a symbol of your fear that you are losing them or there is a wedge being driven between you, either by life or by others. 

What Do Recurring Dreams About Flying Mean?

a dream of flight
a dream of flight

Sure, dreams about flying might be nice and riveting, but they might as well get on someone’s nerves if they happen every night or so. If you are haunted by recurring dreams about flying, it warrants a deeper exploration. 

Start your interpretation by recognizing patterns within these visions. What triggers the flight? Are there any obstacles in your way or helpers by your side? Do you fly over the same locations? Do you experience the same emotions?

Once you understand the most common scenarios of your recurring dreams of flying, get down to business. Here is how you can interpret persistent dreams:

  • - You have unresolved issues: The repetitive nature of any dream requires attention. If these dreams deal with flying, then perhaps you feel way too restricted by the rules you, your family, or society have set for you. 

  • - You are undergoing personal changes. Regular dreams of flying also reflect various stages of your personal development. Keep your eyes peeled for changes in dream scenarios - shifts in height, speed, or even your confidence suggest potential pivoting points of your personal journey. 

  • - You have unfulfilled desires: If you are constantly trying to fly away to freedom, then you surely feel trapped by some aspect of your life or even your personality.

  • - You are processing some change: Major life transitions have a habit of triggering recurring dreams, and visions of flying are no exception. Regular dreams of flying are your psyche’s way of slowly adapting to a new status quo.   

When Do You Need Professional Help for Disturbing Dreams?

what does dream of flying mean
what does dream of flying mean

While calling dreams of flying on a plane or using your wings disturbing would be quite a stretch, there might come a time when you start feeling utterly unsettled by them. Here is how you know that those dreams need to be addressed by a specialist: 

  • Your flying dreams cause distress
  • Seemingly innocent visions turn into nightmares
  • Your dreams about flying disrupt your sleep
  • You feel anxiety before going to bed because you are wary of your flying dreams
  • You have a vague understanding that your dreams about flying might stem from some trauma

If you ticked at least two of these boxes, then it is time to seek professional help. If you prefer classical therapy, then make sure to seek a mental health specialist. They will help you with unearthing the deeply hidden traumas and issues and resolving them. 

What’s more, a therapist will help you manage the anxiety that is either caused by those dreams or causes them instead. With the help of a therapist, you’ll develop anxiety-coping strategies that will improve the quality of your sleep and your mental well-being by extension.

If you are more curious about the spiritual side of your flying dreams, AdAstra’s psychic will be glad to help you. They will easily interpret your dreams and the flying symbolism in them. AdAstra’s psychic will guide you straight to the answers ciphered in your dreams. 

How Can Dreams About Flying Help Me?

recurring dreams about flying
recurring dreams about flying

As you can see, there is barely anything negative to be found in dreams about flying in a plane or by yourself. Better yet, such dreams are among the most pleasant and enticing visions a person can experience in their sleep.

Still, there are a bunch of messages hidden deep within them. If you choose to go deeper instead of having some superficial fun with those dreams, you’ll see that they speak of the virtue of having freedom in your life.

Such dreams either suggest that you take off the shackles of prejudices that hinder your personal growth or that you need to finally face whatever problem you have been long ignoring. 

Whichever it is, you would be wise to finally receive these messages of freedom and adventure and act upon them. 

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