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What It Means When You Dream About Snakes: Fullest Guide

what do dreams about snake bites mean
what do dreams about snake bites mean

To quote one of the greatest movie characters of all time, Indiana Jones: “Snakes. Why does it have to be snakes?” Why indeed? An astounding number of people are so afraid of these slithery creatures to the point of shuddering at the very thought of them. 

There is nothing particularly surprising about this treatment of snakes. After all, the fear of serpents is as old as mankind itself. We are apprehensive of them due to cultural influences, past traumatic experiences, and simple disgust of their legless frame. 

Given our fear of these mysterious beasts, it’s no wonder that dreaming about many snakes can be unnerving. Heck, even dreaming about a single snake might make someone gasp for air in their sleep.

So what does it mean if you dream about snakes biting you or just slithering around you all menacingly? This is what we are here to find out. So grab your pet mongoose as we travel to the heart of the interpretation of dreams about snakes. 

How Do You Interpret Dreams About Snakes?

interpretation of snakes in a dream
interpretation of snakes in a dream

Since dreams about serpentine creatures evoke strong emotions that range from utter fascination to crippling anxiety, many people are all too eager to know what it means to dream of snakes. But jumping straight to dry interpretations is a poor decision. 

You see, understanding why you see snakes in dreams is a complicated endeavor that requires much more than just a vague description of what you saw.  Contex, details, and even your feelings during and after the visions matter greatly. 

If you dream of snakes and want to decode what those dreams mean, here are the key things you should pay attention to: 

  • – Your personal history with the serpents. Have you ever had a nasty encounter with a snake of any kind in person? Have you been traumatized as a kid by snake-infested imagery? Or perhaps you have always been fascinated by these creatures and even used to have one as a pet?

  • – The snake’s specific behavior in your dream. Are you dreaming of a snake biting you? Or does it cozily coil somewhere on your body? Or do you just see a lot of snakes slithering here and there paying you little mind?

  • – The settings and circumstances of your dream. The meaning of a dream about snakes hides in the details. Where did you happen to run into a snake? Was it alone or in a large group with their tails entangled? What did you do upon seeing the beast?

  • – Your emotional response to your vision. Do you suffer from bad dreams about snakes that leave you anxious and afraid? Or do you enjoy visions of these creatures and feel nothing but fascination and elation?

  • – Your cultural and religious background. What stance on snakes does the religion you practice have? Are snakes viewed as wise solemn creatures or ungodly beasts per your cultural heritage?

So when you begin your interpretation of snakes in a dream, all these little tidbits will help you get a deeper understanding of your nightly visions. As painstaking as this process of gathering all this information is, it is immensely rewarding in terms of providing you with clarity and context of your snake-related dreams. 

In terms of approaches to the subtle science of what it means to be dreaming about snakes, there are several schools of thought that have some drastically different views. 

  • – According to Jungian analysis, if you see the snake kind in a dream, you are being contacted by your shadow self. It promises you transformation and hints at hidden knowledge within you.

  • – If you consider the Freudian perspective, then you’ll see that it interprets snakes as potent sexual symbols that represent your repressed desires.

  • – If your analysis of a dream about snakes is performed by a cognitive psychologist, you are likely to learn that the serpents in your dreams are the manifestations of individual cognitive schemas or emotional processing mechanisms.

We are now going to share with you a more simplified and approachable take on snake dream interpretations that would take the best out of these three schools of thought. Follow us deeper into this nest as we find out why people dream about snakes.  

What Do Dreams About Snakes Even Mean?

what does it mean of dreaming about snakes
what does it mean of dreaming about snakes

Now that you hopefully have a clear understanding of your visions involving the slithery things, you are ready to dive into the significance of a snake in a dream. Here are the more common meanings behind your dreams:

  • – You are going through a transformation: Snakes are known to shed their skin which is a fitting metaphor for a person undergoing serious changes or on a way to renewal. 

  • These transformations might revolve around just about anything - letting go of old habits, ditching beliefs that no longer serve you, or even closing the chapter on some relationships. 

  • – You have hidden fears: Snakes can be dangerous. Even their enthusiasts aren't likely to argue that. That is why dreaming of a snake is an unsettling experience that represents fears and dangers. 

  • Look deeper into the context of your dream - you will be able to see the situation or the relationship you deeply perceive as dangerous. 

  • – Something wise is trying to reach out to you: In many cultures, snakes are a symbol of knowledge. Seeing one in dreams suggests that you are about to gain some much-needed insight into a convoluted citation. 
  • What’s more, such a dream also suggests that you pay closer attention to what your intuition is telling you. 

  • – You have repressed sexual desires: You don’t need us to tell you that a snake is a phallic symbol. Straight out of a psychoanalysis textbook, these creatures talk of the sexual desires that we drive back to the shadows of our subconscious. 

  • Such dreams of the scaly beasts also weave a tale of inner conflicts in terms of our sexuality. Women should pay close attention to the circumstances of these dreams since a snake is often the reflection of a man who is on her mind a bunch. 

What Do People Feel When They Dream About Snakes?

dreaming about many snakes
dreaming about many snakes

If you have come here with an unspoken question “Why did I have a dream about snakes?”, we hope that we were able to provide you with enough information. But don’t leave just yet! There is still so much to explore about the dreams of the slithering beasts. 

For instance, did you know that not all people are petrified of these dreams? Some even find them alluring and engaging. It’s no wonder if you consider that people tend to have different prior experiences with snakes as well as preexisting stances regarding them. 

Still, there are several common sensations people report experiencing when they see snakes in their dreams.

  • – As for physical sensations, those dreamers who have little love for snakes usually feel their hearts start racing, their palms get sweaty, and their breath becomes laborious. What’s worse, these very natural responses to danger persist upon waking. 

  • – As we have already established, dreams about serpents evoke some really intense emotions. Dreamers are bound to feel either paralyzing fear or some irresistible attraction to the beasts - all depending on the dream context as well as their view of the scaly creatures in waking hours. 

  • Peculiarly, some dreamers even report feeling conflicting emotions during their adventures in the land of Morpheus. Given the snakes’ complex symbolism, it's no wonder that people find themselves both repelled and intrigued by these animals.  

  • – For some reason, dreams about snakes happen to be one of the most vivid and memorable dreams that people have. The vividness and clarity of those visions are strong indicators that snake dreams carry quite an important message and simply beg to be properly interpreted. 

  • Speaking of interpreting. What do you say we get even deeper into the fascinating world of snake dreams and learn even more about what these dreams are trying to tell you based on their expanded context? Then grab your snake hook as we descend deeper in hopes of catching some very peculiar specimen. 

Types of Snake Dreams and What They Mean

what does it mean when you dream of a snake biting someone
what does it mean when you dream of a snake biting someone

Now seems to be the perfect time to take our exploration of snake dreams to a new level. Let’s now tackle the more common snake dream scenarios and their meaning.

    • – You are chased by a snake: If this otherwise skittish beast is threatening you by constantly pursuing you, then it is trying to direct your attention to your active attempts to run away from something pressing in your waking life, whether it is some job responsibility, a relationship issue, or an emotional challenge.

    • – You have been bitten: Now, what do dreams about snake bites mean? The answer is sort of obvious - you have found yourself in a toxic situation that you fear is affecting you in all the wrong ways. 

  • Still, being bitten by a serpent in a dream is not as vile a thing as you might initially think. A snake sinking its fangs into your flesh is a very good wake-up call that begs you to direct your attention to something you have been long ignoring (like your health, your relationship climate, you name it).

  • Better yet, here is a positive answer to your question “Why am I dreaming about a snake biting me?” - you might be on a road to transformation. On the flip side, this transformation is happening due to some painful experiences, but on the plus side, you will be greatly rewarded. 

  • – You find snakes in your home: Seeing snakes infest your habitat indicates that you feel your personal life and space being invaded. 

  • Besides, the malicious presence of these creatures in your home suggests that there might be unresolved issues in your domestic life that make you feel that there is something slightly off in your family or relationship dynamics. 

  • – You are dreaming of a lot of snakes. If you are all but surrounded by these limbless beasts, then it is safe to say that you are completely overwhelmed by multiple challenges.

  • Another meaning behind a dream of snakes slithering everywhere revolves around you having one too many options about something. Another interpretation suggests that there are different aspects of some complex situations that require your immediate attention. 

  • – You are dreaming of a large snake. If you are visited by some truly Gargantuan monster in your sleep, then fear is likely to be your initial reaction. It shouldn’t be, though. 

  • You see, surprisingly, many cultures see a large snake not as a herald of bad things, but as a symbol for fertility. So if you see a larger serpent pay you a visit, perhaps, you are likely to soon give birth to something grand - a project, idea, or a plan. 

  • – You see a snake bite someone else: So what does it mean when you dream of a snake biting someone? The answer is twofold. For one, you might be envious of the person being attacked, since the snake is sometimes closely associated with these emotions.

  • Another reason is rooted in your perception of the bitten person’s vulnerability. You are likely to fear for this person and expect them to be hurt in real life. 

  • – You dream about a rattlesnake: These peculiar creatures come with only one objective - to warn you of danger. Their tail rattles telling you to be on your watch as danger might lurk in shadows and in places you used to consider safe. 

  • By the way, the color of the snake in your dreams is also of utmost importance. Before you sit down to decode your serpent dreams, you would be wise to familiarize yourself with the meaning behind the snake hues:

  • – Seeing a black snake in your dream points to hidden aspects of your psyche as well as dangers and fears. Another meaning is associated with depression and various mysteries.

  • – White snakes are usually the bearers of divine wisdom and heralds of spiritual transformation. They are associated with good fortune and acquiring much-needed clarity.

  • – Encountering a red snake in your dream has two meanings - one of danger and one of powerful emotions like passion or anger. They also have a very strong sexual subtext. 

  • – Green snakes speak of harmony and balance. They reflect a love for nature and a need for personal growth.

  • – Having a yellow snake visit you is a sure sign of strong will and personal confidence. However, such a creature also speaks of anxiety and intellectual weariness. 

  • – Multi-colored serpents are all about spiritual wholeness and major transformations across many life domains. 

What Are the Cultural Interpretations of Snake Dreams?

why do people dream about snakes
why do people dream about snakes

There are, perhaps, few creatures that are featured so prominently in different cultures’ lore. Let’s have a cautious look at how various cultures shape the way dreams about these beasts are viewed.

  • – In Western cultures, snakes are associated with deceit, temptation, and even danger. Because of heavy Judoe-Christian influence, dreams about snakes bode no good.  

  • – Eastern cultures see snakes in a more positive light. Oriental cultures consider dreaming about snakes to be a good sign that speaks of spiritual knowledge, divine protection, and energy healing. 

  • – According to some indigenous traditions, snakes are sacred messengers between worlds. Seeing them in dreams reminds us of Earth’s ever-loving energy and channels ancient wisdom. 

What Do Recurring Dreams About Snakes Mean?

see the snake in dream
see the snake in dream

Looks like we have covered the majority of possible serpent dream interpretations. Now you can easily decode what a dream about one, two, or even multiple snakes means. With that out of the way, now let’s pay attention to a more troubling phenomenon - what if you see dreams about snakes regularly? 

Provided that you are unlikely to be a professional snake handler, such dreams usually speak volumes about your emotional well-being. Here is what persisting visions involving legless beasts mean:

  • – You have suppressed emotions: Seeing potentially dangerous creatures like snakes in your dreams on a constant basis is a strong indicator that you have suppressed many emotions like fear and anxiety. Perhaps, it’s time to stop soldering through life, take a little breather, and confess that you are feeling in regard to certain life circumstances.

  • – You are going through serious transitions: Since transformation doesn’t happen overnight, persisting dreams about skin-shedding beasts hint you that you are in the midst of some grand changes.

  • – You might be caught in some unhealthy relationship: Animals ripe with venom would hardly visit a person enjoying healthy relationship dynamics with a stable individual. If these dreams haunt you regularly, take a little relationship inventory to see whether your partner is a toxic being. 

  • – You are suffering from unprocessed trauma: Like with any other persisting dreams, frequent visions of snakes indicate that you have some psychological wounds that don’t seem to heal. The more persistent the dreams, the stronger the need for your psyche to finally process the trauma.  

By the way, you’d be wise to pay close attention to your frequent snake dreams. Significant changes in scenarios mean that shifts are happening within you. So be sure to keep a journal where you put all the patterns of your frequent snake dreams as well as watch them evolve. 

What Do I Do to Stop Dreaming About Snakes?

bad dreams about snakes
bad dreams about snakes

While we have already established that dreaming about snakes is not an inherently bad thing, we would understand your urge to get rid of them altogether. While there is no known way to control your dreams, there are several things you can certainly do to at least make these dreams less frequent and less unsettling. 

The first thing you need to do is to fix your sleep. Be sure to set a sleep schedule and stick to it. Besides, create pre-sleep rituals that would calm you. These might include yoga, journaling, art therapy, or a good old bubble bath.

Then, manage your anxiety. Find ways to decrease it. Meditation, creative expression, or even therapy will do wonders. Practice other relaxation techniques like deep breathing, self-massage, or tai chi. Avoid exposure to triggering content at all costs.  

Finally, get to the very core of your emotion-induced dreams. Since dreams about big and small snakes are closely intertwined with your unprocessed and suppressed emotions, vanishing snake nightmares starts with acknowledging and validating them. Learn to calmly confront your fears during your waking hours so that your hidden anxieties never find their way inside your dreamland.  

When Do I Need Professional Help for Disturbing Snake Dreams?

dreams of snakes interpretation
dreams of snakes interpretation

Sadly, even the aforementioned tricks might fail. There might come a time when you find yourself exhausted by an endless struggle of your waking hours that is coupled with your lack of proper sleep because of nightmares. It’s the time you need to seek outside help. 

Here is a little checklist of symptoms that suggest that now is the right moment to seek a professional to help you fix your snake dream predicament:

  • – Your snake nightmares keep you from having a good healthy sleep
  • – Those dreams cause severe anxiety and even fear that permeates your waking life
  • – You know for a fact that snakes in your dreams represent some traumatic experience you haven’t addressed

If you can vouch for some of these symptoms, then go get an appointment right now! 

If you prefer traditional therapy, then go see a mental health professional. They will help you by coming up with anxiety-coping mechanisms that will make your waking life not only bearable but also enjoyable. What’s more, a proper therapist will be able to look deep into the hidden trauma that is the cause of your crippling nightmares. Together, you’ll be able to address it to finally heal. 

If you prefer alternative approaches, we at AdAstra would be happy to help you. Our psychic consultants will provide you with an in-depth dream interpretation that will help you understand the messages that your spirit or subconscious is sending you. 

Besides, many of AdAstra’s psychics practice energy healing which will help you recover from whatever harm those sleepless nights have inflicted upon you. 

Why Are Dreams About Snakes Important?

dreaming about snake biting me
dreaming about snake biting me

No dream comes messageless. Nightly visions about snakes might be some of the loudest and more eloquent heralds. These visions are so rich in symbols and are so precise in their interpretations that they all spell out for you the issues you have to confront to heal or grow as a person.

So next time you see a scaly beast in your dream, don’t run away or stomp on it. Get in contact with the ancient creature and pay heed to what it has come to tell you. 

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