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What takes away my feminine energy, sexuality, attractiveness and how to eliminate the restrictions?

How to regain the feminine energy of beauty and attractiveness?
Feminine energy, sexuality, attractiveness

Feminine energy, sexuality, attractiveness
Feminine energy, sexuality, attractiveness

How Adastra Helped Haisley
I thought a lot before sharing my story because it was something I really want to forget but I know there are people out there that need help and here’s where you can really find it. I was in a toxic relationship for 7 years. It was the worst time of my life. My partner always told me I’m not good enough, that I would never find anyone who loves me and that I’ve got a difficult personality. Our relationship was such a rollercoaster and it made me miserable. One day I caught him cheating and instead of just letting me go, he said it was my fault. At that point I felt so emotionally low, like I wasn’t good enough for anyone. The next few months I spent at home, working online and not really looking after myself. One day I wanted to know if love was out there for me and I found Pooja. Pooja is such a sweetheart! We talked all my issues through and my lack of confidence. She offered to do a special ritual that would help me feel more attractive and I agreed. It took her about a week because it was really strong and after that I slowly began to feel more confident in myself. About 3 months later I met a man, who I know is my soulmate and the lack of confidence in me disappeared.

Feminine energy, sexuality, attractiveness
Feminine energy, sexuality, attractiveness

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