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Soon, you will receive the marriage proposal you've been dreaming of!

May 26. Today the card "Queen of Swords" fell out for you
"Queen of Swords"
"Queen of Swords"

The Queen of Swords brings forth an exciting revelation for your romantic journey: the imminent arrival of a long-awaited marriage proposal. This card symbolizes clarity, intellect, and the power of discernment, suggesting that the proposal will align perfectly with your dreams and aspirations.

As you embrace the energy of the Queen of Swords, you embody a sense of wisdom and independence that attracts a partner who appreciates your unique qualities. The marriage proposal that awaits you is not just an ordinary one—it is a culmination of deep connection, mutual respect, and shared values. This proposal will be a testament to the strength of your bond and the commitment you both have towards building a future together.

The Queen of Swords encourages you to trust in your intuition and the signs that guide you towards this momentous occasion. Stay true to yourself and your desires, and let your discerning nature lead you towards the partnership that resonates with your soul. This proposal will come at the perfect time, when both you and your partner are ready to embark on a lifelong journey of love and companionship.