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What exactly is it about me that pushes people away from me, why am I lonely?

Will I be alone all my life, or is this temporary?
Analysis of my loneliness

Analysis of my loneliness
Analysis of my loneliness

How Adastra Helped Anna
I was in a relationship for 7 years and truly thought he was the one for me. One day he broke up with me without explaining anything and just disappeared. He wouldn’t answer my calls or texts and that’s when this dark stage of my life started. It became hard for me to communicate with people, I didn’t see my friends much and never got asked out on any date. I was so alone and it was always just me. There was a feeling that maybe it was just hard to move on from that past relationship, but that wasn’t really the case. I was actually kind of happy it ended because it was toxic. But I was still so lonely, no man, almost no friends and that’s when I decided to turn to Christi for help. She is such a kind woman and we even became friends. She offered to do the analysis of my loneliness and after she did, things became so clear and I knew just what to work on. It’s been 3 months since we did this work and I have started seeing my friends more and even dating a man for a month. Things are great, don’t know if this man is the one for me but I like where everything is heading.

Analysis of my loneliness
Analysis of my loneliness