How to Become a Psychic Medium. A Comprehensive Guide
- What Does It Mean to Be a Medium
- How Does a Medium Operate
- What Are the Signs of Mediumship Abilities
- How to Develop Your Mediumship Abilities
- How Do You Become a Psychic Medium
- Is Becoming a Psychic Medium Worth It

Having a talent and not using it is like having a pot of boiling water with its lid welded shut on a stove. This is what many people blessed with undisclosed psychic powers feel. If you are one of them, then we can only imagine how it torments you.
There is a way out - you need to learn how to become a psychic medium. Since this is a journey very few people are ready to take on their own, we would love to be your guides. So follow us as we explore what it means to have special powers.
What Does It Mean to Be a Medium?

Before you find out how to become a medium psychic, we need a bit of theory that will help you better understand your talent. First off, who is a medium? The meaning behind a medium is easily explained by the origin of the word. If you know a bit of Latin, then you’ll guess that medium means “someone in the middle”. In simpler terms, a medium is a person who bridges the physical world with the worlds beyond.
The mediums are said to be able to communicate with deceased people and act as an intermediary between them and the living. What’s more, they can also get in contact with spirits and entities that live on other planes of existence to receive information through them.
The channels the medium gets the information from vary from person to person, but one unifying thing about all the mediums stays the same - they know things that regular people have no way of knowing.
How Does a Medium Operate?

If you’ve ever questioned yourself how do I become a psychic medium?, then you’ve probably also wondered what mediums even do. Again, it depends on the person, but most mediums use their talents to help other people.
For instance, mediums are sought after by people who have unresolved issues with their late relatives. A psychic person connects to the spirit of the deceased to communicate information back and forth.
Many people turn to mediums when they need a psychic reading. The mediums interpret the change within the person’s energy to help them with whatever is bothering them. It is also a fairly common practice for mediums to be involved with paranormal investigations initiated by law.
Now, let’s look closer at the channels the psychic mediums use to receive the information. Perhaps, you’ll even recognize your primary channel.
Clairvoyance. The Talent of Clear-Seeing
People with the clairvoyance gift get information through visual clues. These can have the following forms:
- Mental images related to the past, present, or future
- Vivid and prophetic dreams
- Ability to interpret symbols and signs
- Ability to see auras and energy flows
In case you have experienced any of these, then you might consider yourself a clairvoyant psychic.
It’s worth mentioning that at a young age, many people can see things. It sadly wanes the moment their visions are rejected by the elders. Still, some people regain these abilities later in life. And it’s natural for people who have seen visions to be struck with a realization - I can see things! How do I become a psychic medium then?
Clairaudience. The Talent of Clear Hearing
While clairvoyance is arguably a more common ability, there is no need to discard the importance of clairaudience, too. After all, it can unveil even more interesting details about a querent, an event, or a phenomenon.
The clairaudient people fall into two categories. One hears things inside their heads, like a prophetic radio. Others tend to hear things that come from the outside world. This is what they can receive through their ability:
- Messages from spirits
- Thoughts of others
- Music or ambient sounds from distant places
- Sudden name drops
- Warnings or guidance
So if you have ever experienced these auditory sensations, then you might be clairaudient. It is high time for you to learn how to become a psychic medium to harness this power.
Clairsentience. The Talent of Clear Sensing
There is yet another, slightly more nuanced way that people receive information. It is difficult to pinpoint because it tackles none of the five senses. Such psychics receive information through emotions and weird physical sensations. This phenomenon is called clairsentience - clear sensing. This is what it is like:
- Feeling the mood of other people or even places
- Gut feelings or goosebumps
- Picking up on emotions of the past
- Mirroring other people’s sensations
- Feeling the way pressure and temperature change around entities
- Being drained out of energy around certain people or places
So next time you have a weird sensation, get deeper into it. Perhaps, it’s trying to tell you something. Perhaps it is trying to lead you to find the answer to the question of how can I become a psychic medium.
What Are the Signs of Mediumship Abilities?

While we have briefly covered what psychic mediums feel, let’s shed more light on the sensation that might as well be an answer enough to the question you might be too scared to ask yourself - am I a psychic or am I imagining things?
These are the signs that you might as well be gifted:
- You have enhanced sensitivity. You can sense the presence of others, see tinies shadows or sparks of light, feel the temperature change, and hear feeble sounds.
- You pick on emotional signs. You are highly empathetic. Your intuition is strong. You get an unexplained gut feeling around certain people or in certain situations. Your dreams seem utterly real and turn out to be prophetic.
- You have a connection with death. You can easily sense that someone has died. Deceased come to you in your dreams. You are drawn to cemeteries for no reason.
- You know you were a special kind of child. You had imaginary friends that felt real. You predicted things. You knew things that a child was not supposed to. You gave casual but accurate predictions.
- You cause or experience intense physical reactions. Your presence causes electrical appliances to malfunction. Objects move around you. You smell weird odors (like perfume or smoke). You get goosebumps or weird jolts a lot.
If you are familiar with these sensations or phenomena, then you have reason to cheer - you indeed have extrasensory powers. Now it’s high time for you to learn how to become a psychic medium.
How to Develop Your Mediumship Abilities?

While there is no universally accepted way to develop your mediumship abilities, there are still some practices that people claim to work wonders. So if you are wondering how can I become a medium psychic, here is what you can do:
- Practice meditation and mindfulness. The principal thing you need to do is to quiet your mind. Mindfulness and daily meditations will help you with this. Grounding yourself is another way to get your attention out of your ever-chattering mind. Practice grounding using crystals and intuitive movements. Make sure to connect to nature to restore your energy.
- Stay energetically clean. On your journey to mediumship, you will be likely to attract the attention of the wrong entities. Make sure to practice energy cleansing - whether through fire, sound, or crystals - to keep any parasites away from you.
- Do your research. It is an immense luck that we live in a time where there is information on anything. So make sure to read books or enroll in courses on mediumship.
- Be skeptical of your achievements. This might seem like a weird piece of advice, but the more you push yourself in terms of your abilities, the deeper your insights become. Just make sure to be gentle on yourself.
How Do You Become a Psychic Medium?

Now that you know how to develop your gift, let’s have a look at the steps you need to take to make it your occupation:
- Set goals and restrictions. Your journey starts with a clear intention. Why do you want to know how to become a psychic or medium? What are you going to do with your abilities after developing them? Be sure to answer these questions. Then, determine the amount of time you want to devote to developing your talents. Diving headfirst into endless practices is a bad idea. You will be overwhelmed. Then, find the place for your practices - a place you will be most comfortable and safe in.
- Become highly aware. Your subsequent step is to start acknowledging the things you see, hear, or sense. Keep a journal of all the extrasensory instances. Write down your dreams and intuition insights. Develop your observation skills - sometimes clues hide in plain sight.
- Take care of yourself. Becoming a psychic might take a toll on your physical and mental health, so make sure to take breaks and adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain the level of energy needed for mediumship.
- Work on your inherent talent directly. If you know your primary channel of reception, make sure to sharpen this tool. Visualize things, meditate on sounds, or engage in feeling exercises - whatever feels natural to you. Start to notice symbols around you and try to interpret them through Tarot cards, crystals, or runes.
- Practice more. Consider joining groups that help people like you develop their gifts. Get a mentor. Practice psychic reading with friends who are willing.
Is Becoming a Psychic Medium Worth It?

Now that you know you can become a psychic medium, you might be wondering - why even bother? The answer is simple - allow us to refer you to the beginning of our article. The thing is that you have a power that is begging to be used. You were granted this gift for a reason. You are a tool in the hands of the Universe itself. Don’t let that tool go to waste.