Rune Casting Guide: How to Read the Runes
- What Is Rune Casting
- History and Origins
- How to Cast Runes
- Single Rune Cast
- Three-Rune Cast
- Five-Rune Cross
- Nine-Rune Scatter Cast
- How to Interpret Your Reading

From an esoteric point of view, runes are signs that can make adjustments at the etheric-astral level. Runic symbols are much more than letters, signs of the alphabet. Rune readings help to get in touch with ancient magic for a person to understand his inner and outer world.
Learning how to read the runes can be transformative. This ancient practice, known as rune reading, offers a window into the past and a guide for the future, bridging centuries of knowledge with contemporary curiosity. In this article, we will explore what rune reading is, provide a step-by-step guide on how to read norse runes, and offer tips specifically tailored for those wondering how to read runes for beginners.
What Is Rune Casting?

Rune casting is an ancient divination method that has captivated seekers of wisdom for centuries. At its core, to read the runes involves interpreting symbols, which are more than mere letters. They hold esoteric meanings that can help you in any question.
When reading runes, practitioners typically use a set of 24 stones, each inscribed with a marvelous rune from the Elder Futhark alphabet. The process of rune readings involves casting these stones and interpreting the patterns they form. This interpretation requires a deep understanding of each rune in order to avoid mistakes and use this tool for good intentions.
Rune readings can provide guidance, reveal hidden truths, and help one navigate the complexities of life's journey. Whether used for personal reflection or to gain clarity on a specific situation, the practice of reading runes continues to be a profound tool.
History and Origins

The history and origins of rune casting are deeply entrenched in the ancient traditions of Germanic and Nordic tribes. These early cultures utilized runes not just for writing but also as powerful symbols for divination and magical practices. To learn how to read Norse runes, one must delve into this rich historical context where each rune represents both a letter and a specific mystical force or concept.
The earliest documented runic inscriptions date back to around 150 AD, discovered on items such as weapons, jewelry, and stones. These inscriptions belong to the Elder Futhark, the oldest runic alphabet comprising 24 characters. Over time, the runes evolved, resulting in variations like the Younger Futhark and the Anglo-Saxon Futhark.
Today, the ancient art of reading runes stones has evolved to fit modern times, with online rune reading becoming increasingly popular. This digital approach enables enthusiasts worldwide to explore the wisdom of the runes, offering guidance and insights through virtual sessions. Despite technological advances, the essence of rune casting remains unchanged, continuing to provide a profound connection to ancient wisdom.
How to Cast Runes

Before you cast the runes, it’s essential to establish a deep connection with them. This involves attuning yourself to their energy and allowing them to resonate with your own. Only after this bond is formed can you proceed with the actual rune casting, ensuring more accurate and meaningful readings.
1. Connecting with the Runes
To build a strong bond with your runic oracles, you need to learn to engage with them on a deeper level. Start by carrying a bag of runes with you or placing it on your lap when you sit down. The bag should be positioned near your solar plexus, which is the body’s energy center. This will allow the runes to absorb your energy and attune themselves to you. Dedicate at least an hour a day to this practice.
Intuition plays a crucial role in your communication with the runes. Over time, you will begin to feel that the runes have become "yours," and you can start divination. To track your progress, keep a dedicated divination journal. Record the date of each session, the rune spread, and your interpretations.
After some time, you can revisit your notes and compare the predictions with actual events in your life. This will help you identify which rune combinations you interpreted correctly and which ones you misread. In this way, your intuition and ability to interpret rune readings will develop and improve.
Remember that your runes are your personal oracle, and only you should interact with them. Do not allow anyone else to use your runes, as this could disrupt your connection.
2. Reading runes
How to do a rune reading? To begin a session, pour all the runes out of the bag, turn them over so the symbols face down, and begin mixing them clockwise with your right hand. Stop when you feel it's the right time. Then, close your eyes, focus, and hold your palms about 7 cm above the runes. Clear your mind of any distractions until you feel a deep connection with the runes, as if you are immersing yourself in them.
When you sense that one of the runes is "calling" to be picked, carefully set it aside without altering its position or orientation, placing it in the designated spot in your spread. You will find interpretations for each spread in the corresponding section, taking into account the runic alphabet and your specific rune set.
There are many types of rune reading spreads – using three, five, nine runes, and more. Once all the runes are laid out, turn them over, keeping their original orientation (upright or reversed). Now you can begin to interpret the spread, considering the runes’ positions relative to each other, as this determines the overall context of the situation.
Single Rune Cast

If you are interested in how to read runes, you can start with this layout. Single rune cast is a quick and easy way to find out what is relevant to you at the moment.
This method is especially convenient when you don’t have the time or space for a more complex layout, but you have the runes at hand. Disconnect from extraneous thoughts, focus on the issue that concerns you, and draw a single rune. It can offer insights into various aspects of your life.
This method is useful when you urgently need advice in a confusing situation. Ask the runes the question: “What will help me in life?”. The rune’s answer will help you understand the situation and provide the necessary guidance. You can also draw a rune in the morning to find out what the day will be like. Ask: “What awaits me today?” or “What do I need to know to make the right decisions?”. Repeat this procedure in the evening to reflect on the past day.
Benefits of this rune reading
This rune reading will help you prepare for possible surprises. By learning about upcoming troubles, you can prepare in advance and minimize their impact.
This method of reading the runes also helps to understand the causes of your problems. If your life seems to be stuck or you don’t understand the source of your worries, the rune will reveal the root of the problem. For example, the Gebo rune may indicate love issues, Jera can speak of court cases, and Raido or Ehwaz can indicate an unnecessary trip.
Additionally, this method of reading rune can be used to find out about the condition of another person or the location of a lost pet. Think of the person who worries you and draw a rune from the bag. You will immediately receive information about their condition. This is especially useful when your loved ones are far away and there is no way to contact them directly.
Three-Rune Cast

This is one of the most common methods of reading runes for beginners. This cast is useful if you want to penetrate the essence of what is happening at the moment and know what to do. This is a very simple but effective method. There are two ways to use this method of runes reading.
Option 1: Problem & Solution
When approaching the Three-Rune Cast with a problem in mind, the runes can offer a pathway to clarity and resolution. Here’s how:
1. The Problem: The first rune represents the core issue at hand. This rune reveals the underlying energies or challenges that have brought you to this moment.
2. The Action: The second rune offers guidance on what action or approach should be taken. It can provide advice on how to navigate the problem, what to focus on, and which path to avoid. This rune acts as a compass, steering you towards the most beneficial course of action.
3. The Outcome: The third rune reveals the potential outcome if the guidance of the second rune is followed. It’s not a fixed destiny but rather a likely result based on current trajectories and energies. This rune gives you a glimpse into the future, allowing you to make informed decisions that align with your desired outcome.
This approach to the Three-Rune Cast is particularly powerful because it doesn’t just identify the problem but actively engages with finding a solution, offering a complete narrative from challenge to resolution.
Option 2: Past, Present Future
Alternatively, the Three-Rune Cast can be used to explore the continuum of time – understanding how the past influences the present, and how the present will shape the future.
1. The Past: The first rune reveals the influences and events from the past that are currently affecting your situation. It helps you understand the roots of your present circumstances and the karmic or psychological patterns that are in play.
2. The Present: The second rune reflects your current situation. This is the rune of the ‘now,’ offering insight into what energies, attitudes, or challenges are predominant in your life at this moment. It serves as a snapshot of where you stand on your journey.
3. The Future: The third rune offers a glimpse into the future, showing the likely direction in which your life is headed if you continue on your current path. This rune is about potential and possibilities that lie ahead based on your present actions and decisions.
Five-Rune Cross

The Five-Rune Cross spread is particularly valuable for its depth. To conduct the Five-Rune Cross reading, arrange the runes in the form of a cross, with four runes creating the arms and one rune placed in the center. Each position in the cross has a unique significance:
1. The Central Rune - This rune represents the core of your question or issue. It helps to reveal the essence of the situation and shows the main problem that you need to solve.
2. The Rune Above - Positioned above the central rune, this rune signifies the ideal outcome or the highest potential of the situation. It provides insight into what you should strive for or aspire to achieve.
3. The Rune Below - Located beneath the central rune, this rune reflects the underlying influences or subconscious factors affecting your situation. It sheds light on hidden aspects or obstacles that may not be immediately apparent.
4. The Rune to the Left - This rune indicates the past. It helps you understand the background and previous events that have led up to the present moment.
5. The Rune to the Right – Positioned to the right of the central rune, this rune offers guidance on potential developments and the direction in which things might be heading.
Nine-Rune Scatter Cast

The Nine Runes spread is ideal for those moments when you seek a deeper understanding of your path and the forces that shape your experience. To perform this rune stone reading, draw nine runes and lay them out in three rows of three. The first row represents the past. The second row speaks to the present, shedding light on the dynamics at play in your life right now. The third row looks ahead to the future.
This method of reading runes stones is unique in its depth and complexity, as the runes interact with one another, forming intricate patterns of meaning. If you're wondering how to read the runes in this spread, focus on the interplay between the runes in each row and how they relate to your specific question or situation. The nine rune cast is especially useful when you need clarity in a complex situation. It can guide you through challenges, help you understand the root causes of your problems, and reveal the path forward.
Whether you're facing a major life decision, seeking to understand a difficult relationship, or simply wanting to gain insight into your future, this spread can provide the guidance you need. This method also allows for a holistic view of your life, showing how different aspects are interconnected. By understanding these connections, you can make more informed decisions.
How to Interpret Your Reading

1. Determining the number of upright and inverted runes:
Start by analyzing the layout, noting whether there are more upright or inverted runes. This will give you an initial idea of the general mood. Learning how to read rune stones involves recognizing the significance of their orientation.
2. Studying the meanings of each rune:
Refer to your notes with interpretations and review all the positions. Determine the meaning of each rune based on its position. Find the appropriate keywords and relate them to the rune's placement in the layout.
At first, this may seem difficult: the meaning of the rune and its position may not match. Do not worry and move on to the next rune. Gradually, you will see the general picture.
3. Analyzing the interaction of the runes:
Next, determine how neighboring runes affect each other. By looking at the runes individually and in the context of their interrelationships, you will be able to understand their meaning in a given situation.
4. Formulating the final conclusion:
After analyzing the individual runes and putting together the overall picture, try to formulate the final conclusion of the rune stone reading. Sometimes the result obtained may not correspond to the question posed. For example, you are looking for advice on business, and the runes that fall out are related to the topic of love. In this case, think: perhaps it is the question of love that needs to be resolved first, and you can ask about business later.
5. Recording the interpretation:
Write down in your diary the interpretation of the layout, as given in books and generally accepted interpretations. Next to it, write down your vision of the problem. Over time, you will develop your own interpretations that will be most accurate for you.
6. Completing the work:
When you feel that the answer to the question has been received, collect the runes, mix them, and put them in a bag.

Q: Can you explain how runes work?
A: Runes are ancient symbols used in Scandinavian traditions, each representing specific energies and forces. The Elder Futhark, a runic alphabet with 24 symbols, is divided into three groups that focus on personal powers, skills, and achieving results. By understanding and meditating on these runes, individuals can harness their meanings to influence their lives and achieve specific goals.
Q: What essentials are required for rune casting?
To start rune casting, you'll need a set of runes, which can be made from materials like wood, stone, or metal. You'll also need a clean, flat surface for casting the runes. It's important to have a clear question or intention to focus on during the reading. Additionally, a reference guide with information on rune meanings and interpretations will be useful. Finally, keep a journal to record your castings and their interpretations for future reference. These essentials will help you perform and understand rune casts effectively.
Q: Can you explain what a rune cloth is?
A: A rune cloth is a special fabric used as a surface for rune casting. It often has a sacred or symbolic design, helping to create a focused and respectful space for your readings. The cloth helps contain the runes during a cast, making it easier to interpret their positions and relationships to each other. Over time, your rune cloth can become a personal talisman, imbued with the energy and intent of your readings.
Q: What is the proper way to store runes?
A: Storing your runes properly is essential to maintaining their energy and integrity. Many practitioners keep their runes in a natural fabric pouch or box, which can be made from materials like cotton, silk, or wood. The key is to store them in a place where they are protected from negative energies and handled with respect. Some people also choose to cleanse their runes periodically, using methods such as smudging with sage or leaving them under moonlight.
Q: What significance does the blank rune hold?
A: The blank rune, also known as the Wyrd or Odin’s rune, is a modern addition to the traditional rune set. It represents the unknown, the unknowable, or the role of fate in your life. Not all practitioners use the blank rune, as it does not have roots in the ancient rune traditions. However, those who include it believe it signifies the potential for anything to happen, highlighting the mysteries of life that are beyond our control.
Q: What topics can I consult the runes about?
A: You can ask the runes about almost anything that’s on your mind—whether it's related to love, career, personal growth, or spiritual matters. The key is to ask open-ended questions that invite deeper insight, rather than seeking simple yes-or-no answers. For instance, rather than asking "Will I get the job?" consider asking "What steps can I take to enhance my career prospects?". By following this approach, you will be able to get more valuable information through the runes.
Q: What does it mean when a rune is reversed?
A: Reversed runes occur when a rune is drawn upside down, and they often carry meanings that differ from their upright positions. In some cases, a reversed rune might indicate a blockage, challenge, or an area of life that needs extra attention. However, not all runes have reversed meanings, and interpretations can vary.
Grasping the meanings of reversed runes enriches your interpretations, providing a deeper and more nuanced perspective on your circumstances. When learning how to read the runes, it's essential to consider both their upright and reversed positions to fully grasp their messages.