What is a Clairvoyant? Clairvoyance Definition, Signs, Tips
- Who Is a Clairvoyant
- Who Is a Psychic
- Who Is a Medium
- How to Tell If You Are Clairvoyant
- Are Clairvoyants Even Real
- What are Psychic and Medium Readings
- How Can I Benefit from a Clairvoyant Reading
- How to Ensure That Your Clairvoyant Reading Goes Smoothly

What do you picture when you hear the word clairvoyant? Perhaps, some Madame Susannah in a floating robe, with gaudy rings on her fingers, hovering over a crystal ball, looking at you all mysterious. Let’s just set this unflattering image aside for a while and truly look at the mysterious art of seeing things. Who are the clairvoyants? Are they any different from psychics? And do mediums fall into the same category? And an even more confusing question - what is the difference between a psychic medium and a clairvoyant? We will answer all these questions as well as provide you with a glimpse into the craft itself. Well, we are no clairvoyants ourselves, but we see some interesting read for you ahead.
Who Is a Clairvoyant?

Let’s start with the first question - what is a clairvoyant anyway? Well, if you have even the slightest understanding of the French language, then you’ll have no trouble translating that word. Clair-voyant literally translates as clear-seeing.
A clairvoyant person is a person with psychic abilities that allow them to see energy emanating from everything that surrounds them. They see this energy as colors, patterns, scraps of pictures, and shadows - basically, they pick up any visual hint that tells them what they need to know. Some clairvoyants claim they can see past events in your life just by looking at you. Others say that they can predict the future using imagery that comes to them in their dreams.
So what is the difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant? Could you say that they are the same? In simpler words, all people who claim to possess seemingly supernatural powers or just heightened perception are called psychics. Clairvoyance is simply a type of ability. If psychics were a fruit, then a clairvoyant would be an apple. A cryptic, all-seeing apple.
Who Is a Psychic?

Now that we’ve tackled the term psychic, it’s only fitting to make things clear regarding it, too. Who on Earth are psychics? Well, these are people who can receive and pass on information that comes to them from sources they can’t explain, touch, or account for.
A psychic has a way of tapping into other people’s energy to read their past, present, and even future. Psychics are blessed with a sharp intuition that helps them perceive valuable information regardless of how other people are trying to hide it.
This heightened perception coupled with the ability to look further than other people always made psychics into individuals perfect for providing guidance. Whatever different cultures call them - oracles or shamans - psychics have a way of attracting people seeking answers.
As you can guess, there are dozens upon dozens of ways that psychic abilities manifest in a person. What is a clairvoyant psychic? A person who sees things. What is a clairaudience psychic? A person who hears things. You get the idea.
Who Is a Medium?

Feel like doing another linguistics exercise? Then tell us, what does the word medium mean? That’s right. It’s the Latin for “in the middle”. This could be something or someone. So you probably can guess that a medium is an agent who can connect with both our physical world and the spiritual world. They can connect to the spirits of our loved ones to communicate messages both ways.
Here’s a couple of trick questions - is a medium also psychic? Can they be clairvoyant? And a finishing blow of a question - what is a clairvoyant psychic medium? Let’s start with the first one. A medium is likely to be a psychic. After all, connection with the spirit world implies that the person in question has a keen sense of perception.
However, the reverse is not true. A psychic is not necessarily a medium. The second question - can a medium be clairvoyant? Possibly, these talents are not mutually exclusive, nor are they expected to be present within one individual. The last question is somewhat of a brain teaser that you can probably solve on your own, now that you have a clearer understanding of the three terms.
Is There a Difference Between a Psychic and a Clairvoyant?
Why do you think we want to answer this question again? Because a surprising number of people still tend to mix these two up, despite the explanations. Let’s review the terms. A psychic is a person with heightened perception and an ability to read information from a person or an object by tapping into the energy. A clairvoyant, on the other hand, is an individual with psychic abilities who can see things that a normal person has no way of seeing.
How do clairvoyant Psychics Work?
Now that we have the irritating matter of what is the difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant out of the way, let’s get to the more interesting stuff. For instance, what is a clairvoyant reading? How do the clairvoyants work? Well, it’s like asking a writer how they write or an artist how they paint. The answer is simple. The work approach of every clairvoyant varies.
Some practitioners turn to tools like tarot cards or even the famed crystal balls to see into a particular situation. Others prefer to receive visions in their sleep. Certain clairvoyants need to be in the vicinity of the object or person they are perceiving the information from, while particularly strong clairvoyant psychics only need to focus on a querent’s question to receive telltale images.
Still, a textbook example of a clairvoyance session looks like this. Once the practitioner comes in contact with the querent or some object of interest, they tune in to receive visions. Since they are a lot more perceptive than other people, they get the information that is always floating around loud and clear.
There is little limit to what a clairvoyant can see. It could be the past in the form of some scraps of images. It can be the present state of your life that manifests itself through the kind of energy that comes from you. As you can guess, there is little sense in asking a clairvoyant for straightforward answers to strictly-worded questions. After all, these psychics can hardly control what they see and what information they can access.
How to Tell If You Are Clairvoyant?

Have some funny gut feeling while reading this article? Like a distant memory of experiencing something similar? It's quite natural for a spiritual person to question whether or not they are clairvoyant. Luckily, some signs might indicate that you are indeed someone who can see things clearer than others.
- You daydream quite a bit. While this might only be a quirk of yours, if the visions you see are vivid and feel real, then perhaps you aren’t just imagining things, but rather see something unravel before your eyes.
- You see vivid dreams that can become a reality. Another telltale sign of a clairvoyant are prophetic dreams.
- You see weird things. And by weird we mean things that other people don’t see. Sparks, shadows, orbs, halos, the list goes on. These things can be in plain sight, or you can see them out of the corner of your eye.
- You can correctly guess what is inside things. Well, guess is the wrong word. You see what is inside, say, a closed box, a package, an envelope, etc.
- You know where to look for things. White you can’t see missing things physically, you see them with your inner eye and almost always know where to look for them.
If you ticked more than two boxes, then congrats - you might consider yourself clairvoyance-sensitive. So what should you do with a gift like that? Develop it, of course! Let's have a look at some tricks that might help you turn that little spark in you into a full-fledged fire. Here are some exercises you might find helpful:
- Engage yourself in memory games. Remember the card game where you need to flip over a card, remember it, and then find a match for it by flipping and remembering other cards? Do this, but instead of flipping right away, try to see the card with your mind’s eye to guess what is depicted in it. Sure, at first you’ll stumble and sabotage yourself, but gradually you will be able to hush your mind’s whispers “you are fooling yourself” and see right through the card’s jacket. The more you practice, the clearer your visions will be.
- Open your third eye. For this, you'll need help from gems. Lie down and put a crystal over your third eye chakra. Go with amethyst, labradorite, or obsidian as they are considered to be closely connected with this chakra. Then, relax and feel the vibration coming off of the gem. Let it penetrate your head and spread all over your body.
- Then, picture a small orb in the place where your third eye is. Focus on it, feel the light coming off of it. Gradually make the orb bigger. Let it grow until it encapsulates your head, your torso, then your whole body. Then, mentally create a light tube that would be coming out of your forehead and reaching upwards. Reach it farther and farther until you feel a connection to something almost divine. This is your Higher Self, the entity that is giving off the information you want to see with your gift. Savor this connection, then gradually come back to your present self. Do this often to have a stronger bond with the omniscient you.
- Learn to properly focus. Sit down and take some small object into your hands, say, an orange. Study it for a full 20 minutes. Remember each dent, each pore, each spot on its surface. Then, close your eyes and picture this orange as closely to the real thing as you can. While you might fail at first and helplessly watch your thoughts dwindle, the more you practice, the better your focus will become. And the better your focus is, the more information you can get from any source.
- Lock yourself away in a dimly lit room, take a seat, and relax. Create an intention to see your aura. Then, slightly rub the tips of your index fingers against each other until you feel a nice warm sensation. Next, very slowly pull your fingers apart. At first, you will see nothing. But the more you focus and the more you allow yourself to see, the quicker you will be able to catch a glimpse of some slimy glowing substance discharge from your fingertips. Caught the color? This is your aura, friend.
Are Clairvoyants Even Real?

Now we are entering a territory that has been marred with skepticism and hurtful myths. Ever since the first clairvoyants claimed they had the power to see through things, they have been questioned, ridiculed, and threatened. Part of this ongoing skepticism could be easily explained. But more on this later. First, let us give you a straightforward answer - yes, clairvoyants are real. There are people in this world who claim that they possess the power to see things that regular people have no way of seeing. Energy flow, orbs, shadows, auras - they can perceive those.
So why do skeptics always brush off almost any person with a psychic ability? Well, for starters, there is no particular way to prove that clairvoyants have said power. Whenever a clairvoyant comes up with the right answer, a skeptic in turn comes up with an excuse or a logical explanation. They overheard me talking! They must have known beforehand! They are just guessing! - any excuse would do when you don’t want to accept the truth.
Then, there is a major misunderstanding of how the clairvoyant powers work. Those who are quick to dismiss any claims of clairvoyance existing will feed like vultures on any slip, mistake, or uncertainty in a clairvoyant’s visions. What they fail to understand is that the visions that these psychic people receive could be way too vague and contextless to be interpreted with ease. Psychic people create a picture out of scraps of information, they are not databases able to provide a clear answer.
Still, regardless of what the general public thinks of clairvoyants, there are people who believe them and believe in them, enough to turn to them in times of need. Clairvoyants help to find missing people and help to see a person’s problem for what it is. And if they help, does it matter if they are believed or not?
What are Psychic and Medium Readings?

Now that we know how a clairvoyant person works, let’s also honor other practitioners featured in our article and let mediums and other psychics take the stage. How do they perform their reading? And why even consider their services?
First, there’s a medium. As we said before, a medium is a person who serves as a bridge between this world and the world beyond. If you want to visit one, don’t go to the session expecting candlelight or crystal balls. The medium might use tarot cards or crystals to tune in on your energy, but that’s it. The whole session would be like a Q&A between you and the medium.
By the way, let’s check your ability to distinguish between the three terms and their compounds. Can you guess what a clairvoyant medium is? That’s right, a person who receives information from the spiritual world through images.
Now, on to a psychic reading. While we have already established that a psychic is a person with heightened perception, the way a particular practitioner works depends on their gift. Such sessions can range from a simple talk to a full-on séance, from a tarot spreading to an aura reading.
In all honesty, whichever it is, some people view psychic sessions to be nothing short of life-changing. For starters, you come in contact with something extraordinary, something that had been out of your grasp till now. Then, there is the clarity and relief such meetings bring. After all, a psychic is a person who can smoothly guide you to a full understanding of your current predicament and who can supply you with the means to overcome it.
How Can I Benefit from a Clairvoyant Reading?

Since we now know what clairvoyants are capable of, it’s only natural to wonder what you can personally gain from meeting one. So let’s have a look at how a clear-seer can help you:
- A clairvoyant can help you get out of a troubling situation. Love life problems, job issues, interpersonal dramas - a gifted practitioner will guide you faster than you can utter what is a medium clairvoyant?
- They can help you understand what you want out of life. The reason we live with a nagging feeling of being unsatisfied is that we know what we don’t want, but we struggle when it comes to what we want out of life. A clairvoyant can help you lift the haze.
- Ever wondered what a clairvoyant empath is? In short terms, this is a person who can see your emotions and relate to them. So if it has been your life’s dream to finally be seen as a person with feelings and a complicated background, then such a practitioner will give you all the attention, compassion, understanding, and support you have been desperately seeking.
- If you have a more material need, like you need to find something missing - or rather someone missing - clairvoyants have a way of pinpointing a fairly accurate location.
How to Ensure That Your Clairvoyant Reading Goes Smoothly?

Hooked by the possibilities a clairvoyant meeting promises you? Then go arrange one and make sure to get prepared. That’s right. Like any other new procedure, a clairvoyant reading requires some effort on your side. Don’t worry, it won’t strain you.
- Get rid of any unrealistic expectations. Remember, clairvoyance is not an exact science. If you are going to a meeting expecting to get a clear roadmap to success or a remedy against heartache, you’ll be sorely disappointed. It’s not to say that you will end up with no palpable results - on the contrary. But you might receive information that you had not been expecting.
- Make sure to cleanse yourself before you visit a clairvoyant psychic. You see, like any other person with heightened senses, a practitioner might pick up something energetically heavy from you, which may compromise the whole reading. Cleanse yourself with salt, smoke, or fire and you’ll be all set.
- Open your mind. If you are willing to step into the world of psychic crafts, you need to be willing to accept what they have to offer you. This means that you need to shush both your ego and your mind for a while and let your very soul receive the information unfiltered.
- Listen closely. A session is the time you have to actively listen. Whatever will be transferred through the clairvoyant is directly addressed to you. Don’t let even a word slip past your attention.
And there you go! Now you know who psychics and clairvoyants are. There is no way you are going to be utterly confused now if someone asked you “what is a psychic medium clairvoyant?” We hope that our take on clairvoyants made you curious to have a reading from one. Even more so, we hope that you consider becoming a clairvoyant yourself if you have what it takes. Who knows, the individual reading this might also see the dance of energy the person who penned this piece had left behind.