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It is time to end the relationship…

March 22. Tarot prediction from Phillip

Phillip is with you today. If you are someone skeptical then I was once just like that. My family comes from a long line of mages but for years I refused to believe in anything related to magic. 

My grandmother passed down such a powerful gift that I refused to believe in because I was so focused on science and logic. As years went by, energies showed me that science doesn’t deny magic. It completes it. Ever since then this great gift has been helping people heal and find true answers.

So if you are someone still skeptical, message me and we will discover the power of magic together.

Let's see what awaits you. Today's card is the "Six of Swords".

Six of Swords in Love
Six of Swords in Love

The Six of Swords signals a necessary transition — moving on from a relationship that no longer serves your emotional well-being. This card represents a shift toward peace, suggesting that while the decision to leave may feel difficult, it is ultimately a step toward healing and clarity.  

The Six of Swords in Love reflects a relationship that has run its course. Emotional distance or unresolved conflicts may have made it clear that moving forward separately is the best path. If you're seeking a yes or no, the Six of Swords yes or no leans toward "yes" — it is time to let go.  

If you're wondering about reconciliation the Six of Swords implies that the best path is forward, not backward. The Six of Swords as advice urges you to trust the process of change. Moving on may feel uncertain now, but better opportunities for love, stability, and emotional fulfillment await.

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