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Soon you will meet the person destined for you!

July 19. Today "The Tower" card  fell out for you

Today "The Tower" card  fell out for you
Today "The Tower" card fell out for you

The Tower card signifies a significant upheaval in your romantic journey, indicating that a powerful and transformative change is about to unfold. This change is not something to fear, but rather a necessary shift orchestrated by the universe to bring you closer to the person destined for you.

You may have been feeling a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction in your current romantic situation, or perhaps you've experienced sudden events that have shaken the foundation of your love life. This turbulence is paving the way for something profound and aligned with your soul's path.

It's as if the universe is clearing away what no longer serves you to make space for a new and authentic connection. This could mean meeting someone who challenges your beliefs about love, or experiencing a deep emotional breakthrough that liberates you from past patterns.