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This is the message you've been waiting for!

September 14. Tarot prediction from Ayushi

Today medium Ayushi is in touch with you.I read energy, clean energy, heal and direct energy, look for who or what takes it away. People come to me in doubt. Your question can be anything, about relationships or career, goodwill for something important.

- Your energy already knows all the answers, I, as a guide, deliver it to you. 
- I create a field of safety, non-judgmental and completely accepting. I use the remedy that your energy chooses.
- My gift is from a strong mother figure, the mother of everything and everyone, the conductor of light and energy.

Let's see what awaits you. Today's card is reversed "Wheel of Fortune".

September 14. Tarot prediction from Ayushi
September 14. Tarot prediction from Ayushi

The Reversed Wheel of Fortune signals that the message you’ve been waiting for in your love life is finally on its way. While the Wheel of Fortune often represents cycles and changes, its reversed position indicates a shift in the winds of fate, suggesting that a long-awaited development is about to unfold.

This card reflects a period where past challenges and delays are giving way to positive outcomes. You might have been feeling stuck or uncertain about the direction of your romantic life, but now the energies are shifting in your favor. The message you’ve been waiting for could be an expression of love, a significant gesture, or a turning point in a relationship.

The Reversed Wheel of Fortune signifies a reversal of fortune, meaning that the luck and positive changes you’ve been hoping for are finally manifesting. This is a time to celebrate and be ready to receive the blessings that are coming your way. The period of waiting is coming to an end, and the good things you’ve hoped for are now within reach.

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