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How to Use Tarot Spreads: Guide & Examples

How to Use Tarot Spreads
How to Use Tarot Spreads

The Tarot system has changed a lot over the years, now you can find answers and solutions to any of your problems through Tarot. In this article you will find layouts that will make your reading informative and professional. 

Learning the art of reading tarot card spreads will enhance your ability to provide accurate and meaningful readings. Dive into specialized spreads like the Love Pyramid Tarot spreads, designed to help you unravel complex relationship dynamics, discover your partner's feelings, or discover the love triangle through tarot spreads.

Tarot reading spread types offer various methods for interpreting the messages of the cards, each with its own unique approach. By exploring the tarot card spreads meanings, you'll uncover how different configurations can reveal insights into various aspects of life. 

The Power of Tarot Spreads

tarot card spreads for beginners
tarot card spreads for beginners

Tarot is more than just fortune telling. The power of Tarot spreads lies in their ability to highlight risks and opportunities, as well as provide predictions and advice.

1. Self-knowledge and inner growth: Tarot spreads help you look into the depths of your own subconscious, revealing hidden desires, fears or doubts. It is a powerful tool for self-analysis, which helps you better understand yourself and your motives.

2. Decision making: A Tarot spread can provide new perspectives on difficult and painful situations, help you weigh the pros and cons and find the most appropriate course of action. This can be especially useful when logical analysis does not provide a clear answer.

3. Understanding relationships: Tarot can help you understand the complex aspects of relationships, be it personal, professional or family. The spread can reveal true motives and feelings, point out possible problems and offer ways to solve them.

4. Future Prediction: Tarot cards spreads can indicate probable trends and possible outcomes of events. Tarot card future spreads can help prepare for future situations and avoid possible mistakes.

5. Energy Work: Tarot can also be used to work with a person’s energy, helping to identify blocks or imbalances that may be hindering their personal growth and development.

6. Spiritual Development: For many, Tarot is a way to connect with higher powers, intuition, or the inner self. Spreads can serve as a tool for meditation and spiritual practices.

7. Stress and Anxiety Management: Tarot spreads can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing a person to look at their life from a different perspective, more meaningfully and calmly.

Using Tarot can greatly expand your perception of the world and help in finding answers to troubling questions, offering unique and profound answers.

One-Card Tarot Spread

tarot cards spreads
tarot cards spreads

If you need a quick answer to a question, you can use the Tarot spread "One card". This is a fortune telling in which only one card is taken from the deck, respectively, the answer is clear and unambiguous, because there are no other cards that could confuse the interpretation. For spread, you need tarot cards with major and minor arcana.

Tarot spread on one card will also be a suitable option for beginners. This fortune telling is easier, faster and more understandable than others, while it has no restrictions on the topic:

- prediction for the coming year;
- what the day will be like;
- when love will meet and what the relationship will be like;
- am i pregnant tarot card spread;
- yes and no tarot spread;
- prediction for the near future.

It may seem that one tarot card is too little. But this is not so, because it can tell a lot. And if you have doubts about your interpretation, you can take a couple more arcana from the deck.

Beginner tarot readers can make it a rule to start the morning with a spread tarot on one card, asking a question about the upcoming day. Having taken the arcana out of the deck, you will need to determine the expected events of today.

If you have free time, you can write down the interpretation, and in the evening return to the notes and check how correctly and accurately you managed to understand the prediction.

Three-Card Tarot Spread

reading tarot card spreads
reading tarot card spreads

The Tarot 3 card spread reading, or Triplet, is one of the most versatile Tarot spreads, which is suitable for solving any everyday issue, and is also very convenient for practicing the skill of reading a spread for beginners.

It combines with any fortune telling system, is good as a separate spread, as an extended version of the Card of the Day, and also as an additional mini-spread to clarify individual positions in large spreads.

The Three Cards Tarot Layout is very convenient because it does not have clearly defined positions, everything is assigned according to the task, depending on the question. That is why beginners are recommended to practice on Triplets.

h3: The meaning of the card position:

The first card. "Past" - will reveal the secrets of the past, those that remained unnoticed for you, but played a role in life.
The second card. "Present" - will tell about the current day, key events in life that will matter in the future.
The third card. "Future" - will tell you about the future, hint what will come true and what will not.

h3: How to interpret the Tarot card spreads' meanings in "Three Cards":

This is an ideal spread for training the skill of reading cards like a book, linking the meanings into one chain, into one story! For practice, it can be laid out on any issue. Even if the meaning is not clear to you, do not fold the spread. Write it down in a notebook or take a photo, later, when the event happens and the answer is clear - look at it again and analyze. Be sure to write down recurring and vivid meanings in a notebook!

Five-Card Tarot Spread

tarot card spread
tarot card spread

The five-card tarot spread consists of 5 cards laid out in order. It is convenient to use for a general overview of the situation and the prospects for its development. The layout is most often performed on the Major Arcana, although it can also be done on a full deck.

However, you can modify the layout to suit you by changing the meanings of the positions for a specific question.

The meaning of the card position:

1. The first card. The past - shows the events and factors that led to the current situation.

2. The second card. The present - reflects the current state of affairs. It shows what is happening at the moment and what you need to pay attention to. This card can indicate current events or internal states that play a key role.

3. The third card. The future - symbolizes the probable development of events. It gives an idea of ​​what the current state of affairs can lead to and what changes can occur in the near future.

4. The fourth card. Obstacles – indicates possible difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. This card warns about what can hinder or slow down the process. It can also reveal internal or external conflicts.

5. The fifth card. Result – predicts the possible outcome of the situation if everything develops according to the current scenario. This is a card that is worth paying special attention to, as it shows the result you are going to, based on current circumstances and actions.

Celtic Cross Tarot Spread

tarot card spread
tarot card spread

This is one of the most famous Tarot spreads, which has become a classic. It belongs to the group of universal prognostic spreads, that is, it can be used to find an answer to almost any question. When doubts arise about which layout to choose, you can immediately lay out the "Celtic Cross", it will give a good start to the consultation.

The spread allows you to describe the general atmosphere of the situation, the roots of its origin, obstacles and possibilities of the general development trend and give a possible forecast for a pre-specified period. The wording of the layout positions is such that they are easily applicable to any sphere of life, and if the querent in his question names the area of ​​his interest, for example, the situation at work, then the cards in the positions are easy to read in the context of the given topic.

The spread is so widespread that over the years of its existence it has been supplemented and modified; that is, many tarologists have adapted it to their worldview, but these modifications have not spoiled it and can be successfully used. In some variants, the numbers of positions 3, 4, 5 are swapped, while the key meanings of the positions are preserved, so it is recommended to choose the variant you like.

Tarot spreads for past lives can also utilize the Celtic Cross layout, allowing for an exploration of past life influences on the current situation. In its original form, the layout consists of 10 cards. It can be done on a full Tarot deck, only on the Major Arcana, or only on the Minor Arcana.

Arrangement of cards:

First, the first card is placed and the second one on it vertically, then the third card is below these cards, the fourth one is to the left of the first and second, the fifth one is above the central cards, the sixth one is to the right.

The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth cards are placed to the right of the sixth, forming a vertical row.

Card positions in the spread:

The first card is the significator, or the current circumstances of the given question
The second card is the facilitating force (if the card is positive), or obstacles (if the card is negative).
The third card is the querent's past experience in solving the question posed.
The fourth card is the recent past.
The fifth card is a possible future for the period specified when asking the question.
The sixth card is the near future.
The seventh card is the querent's attitude to the situation and how he feels about it.
The eighth card is the querent's environment or another point of view.
The ninth card is the querent's hopes and fears. A positive card speaks of hopes, a negative card speaks of fears.
The tenth card is the final outcome of the situation, what the querent will feel about the question in the specified future.

Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads

tarot 3 card spread reading
tarot 3 card spread reading

One of the most popular directions in using Tarot is love and relationship spreads. Love spreads using tarot cards allow you to look inside your partner's feelings and shed light on the future of the couple.

One of the worst feelings is when your personal life is in limbo and there are no answers that could show you the right path. Fortunately, Tarot is that very tool, sometimes even vital in such situations. Important messages received during card readings can guide you in choosing solutions.

Below are Tarot spreads, each of which will help you intuitively analyze a romantic relationship.

1. Tarot spread "Search"

This spread is designed for those who are actively searching for their destiny. It helps to realize mistakes, identify the causes of loneliness and try to get rid of the problem.

Spread scheme (4 cards):

1. First card: Explains the key reason for loneliness.
2. Second card: Gives advice on how to quickly find personal happiness.
3. Third card: Characterizes the most suitable person for you.
4. Fourth card: Indicates the place where you will meet the person you need.

2. Spread "Love Pyramid"

This relationship tarot spread reading is used to understand the feelings of the intended person towards the person asking the question. The pyramid is laid out from the bottom up counterclockwise.

Spread scheme (10 cards):

1. First card: Shows the reasons for the emergence of mutual sympathy or stronger feelings.
2. Second card: Describes the thoughts and intentions of the chosen one about you.
3. Third card: Determines the moments in which you are similar to the chosen one.
4. Fourth card: Identifies acute situations in which it will not be possible to find a compromise.
5. Fifth card: Explains how you can become closer to each other.
6. Sixth card: Describes how the partner can influence the situation.
7. Seventh card: Describes the chosen one in detail.
8. The eighth card: Indicates who from your environment will help in this delicate matter.
9. The ninth card: Shows those who can hinder your happiness.
10. The tenth card: Summarizes the fortune-telling, determining the likelihood of a serious relationship.

3. Spread "The Pinnacle of Love"

This tarot spread for relationships and the future helps to delve deeper into the inner world of the couple, evaluate your own mistakes, and objectively understand your partner and the relationship with them.

Spread scheme (4 cards):

1. The first card: Shows how you look in the eyes of your partner, describing your strengths and weaknesses.
2. The second card: Helps to better understand your partner and his motives.
3. The third card: Describes the current relationship, revealing possible omissions and conflicts.
4. The fourth card: Describes the prospects of the relationship and possible directions of its development.

Advanced Tarot Spreads

love spreads tarot cards
love spreads tarot cards

Any deck can be used in extended layouts. Experienced tarot readers prefer thematic decks, choosing those that best answer a specific question.

As a rule, the main spreads of a complex type cover a large period of time or provide answers to complex questions. Among such advanced tarot spreads are the Horseshoe Tarot Spread or Astrological Spread.

Horseshoe Tarot Spread

The 7-card Horseshoe Tarot spread is one of the most popular and effective ways to predict luck and success. It helps to understand the current situation, identifies opportunities and obstacles that can affect the future.

When should you use the Horseshoe spread?

This spread is especially useful if you are faced with difficult tasks or complex problems that you cannot solve on your own. It shows you the way to more easily deal with what is stymieing you, suggests what awaits you ahead if you do not interfere with the course of events, or how to avoid negative consequences.

If you have a project or business that you want to do, but are unsure whether it is worth starting, whether it will help, or whether it has prospects - the Horseshoe spread will answer all these questions. You will find out whether it is worth starting a business, and what you need to do to achieve success.

How to perform the spread?

1. Shuffle the cards and lay them out face down in a fan.
2. Draw 7 cards with your left hand and spread them out in an arc, like a horseshoe: one card in the center and three cards on each side.
3. Open the cards one by one in the order you drew them, starting with the bottom one.

Each card has its own meaning and position, which we will look at below.

Card positions in the Horseshoe spread:

1. First card: Symbolizes the past. Indicates events or decisions that led to the current situation.
2. Second card: Reflects the current situation and gives an understanding of what can be expected in the near future.
3. Third card: Shows the main obstacles or challenges on the path to success.
4. Fourth card: Displays personal achievements and potential for success. Indicates the abilities and talents that will help achieve the desired result.
5. Fifth card: A hint about new opportunities and prospects that may appear.
6. The sixth card: Indicates external factors or people who can have a positive or negative impact on your luck. Helps determine who to turn to for support and suggests how to avoid negative influences.
7. The seventh card: Predicts the future, revealing the results and outcomes of the current situation.

The Horseshoe Tarot reading gives a complete picture of the current situation and helps you understand what steps to take to achieve success. Carefully study the symbols and associations of each card to better understand their meaning and get the most accurate interpretations.

Astrological Spread

The astrological spread "12 Houses" is a universal tool that can be used to analyze any life situation. Most often, it is used as an annual spread, predicting events in various areas of a person's life for the next twelve months.

Features of the spread "12 Houses"

Each card in this spread is associated with one of the houses of the astrological horoscope, which makes it useful for:

- Detailed description of the personality: Each house is responsible for certain character traits and qualities of a person.
- Relationship analysis: The spread allows you to assess the state and prospects of your relationship.
- Magic diagnostics: Used to identify hidden energies and influences.
- Career guidance: Helps to determine the best areas for professional growth.
- Prospects for the fulfillment of desires: Assesses the likelihood of your dreams coming true.
- Searching for missing things or people: Some tarot readers successfully use it for this purpose.

How to do a 12 Houses spread

To do a spread, follow these steps:

1. Focus on the question that interests you.

2. Shuffle the deck thoroughly.

3. Draw 12 cards at random.

4. Lay them out in a circle, following the order of the houses of the astrological horoscope.

Each card symbolizes one of the houses and the zodiac sign that rules this house.

Card positions in the 12 Houses spread

1. First house (Aries):

Card 1 is responsible for a person’s personality, their key character traits and behavior.

2. Second house (Taurus):

Card 2 describes material values, the financial situation and the ability to earn money.

3. Third house (Gemini):
Card 3 symbolizes communication, communication, receiving information, and also travel.

4. Fourth House (Cancer):
Card 4 is associated with the house in which a person grew up, his roots, parents or guardians. It is a symbol of our childhood and ancestral home.

5. Fifth House (Leo):
Card 5 is responsible for self-expression, creativity, pleasure and peace of mind.

6. Sixth House (Virgo):
Card 6 analyzes everything related to health.

7. Seventh House (Libra):
Card 7 is responsible for love relationships and marriage.

8. Eighth House (Scorpio):
Card 8 is one of the most complex. It is associated with rebirths, transformations, crises, tragedies, as well as unfinished business and legal issues.

9. Ninth House (Sagittarius):
Card 9 symbolizes philosophy, religion, long-distance travel and communication with representatives of other cultures.

10. Tenth House (Capricorn):
Card 10 describes a person’s career, work, ambitions, and goals.

11. Eleventh House (Aquarius):
Card 11 is about friends, people who are sometimes closer than blood relatives.

12. Twelfth House (Pisces):
Card 12 is about secret desires, self-sacrifice, solitude, and limitations.

The 12 Houses astrology spread provides a holistic understanding of the current situation and helps determine what steps to take to achieve success. Pay attention to the symbols and associations of each card to gain a deeper understanding of their meanings and get accurate interpretations.

Tarot Spread Tips for Beginners

tarot card future spreads
tarot card future spreads

1. Define your goal and ask a question.

Before you start a spread, clearly state the question you want answered. Start with simple inquiries, avoiding complex and disturbing topics. For example, ask about feelings or relationship prospects, not about fateful issues.

2. Understanding the Major and Minor Arcana.

Tarot cards are divided into Major and Minor Arcana. Major Arcana symbolizes large-scale, fateful events and systemic phenomena in a person's life. The more such cards in the layout, the more significant the prediction is considered. Examples of Major Arcana are "Empress", "Magician", "Judgment", "Chariot". Cards with names like "Death" or "Devil" should not be taken literally: they reflect not physical death or evil, but symbolic changes and temptations. The Minor Arcana, in turn, reveal details, describe everyday situations and the consequences of a person’s actions. These cards show what you have created yourself through your actions.

3. Focus on your feelings.

When working with Tarot cards, it is important to listen to your intuition. Pay attention to the colors and symbolism of the cards. Bright colors, such as yellow and orange, indicate activity and new beginnings, while dark colors can symbolize completion or obstacles.

4. Consider the energy of the elements.

Each suit in the Tarot corresponds to one of the four elements: Wands - Fire, Pentacles - Earth, Swords - Air, Cups - Water. Fire and Air are associated with energy, action and initiative, while Water and Earth are associated with feelings, intuition and stability. This understanding will help you interpret the cards in the layout more deeply.

5. Practice and write down your observations.

Interpreting cards requires experience, so practice regularly and keep records of your readings. Over time, this will help you better understand the cards and their meanings in different situations.

6. Work according to proven patterns.

To begin with, choose a few simple spreads and practice them. This will help you gain confidence and better understand the symbolism of the cards.

7. Do not get attached to the meanings of the cards.

Although it is useful to know the classic meanings of the cards, you should not limit yourself to them. It is important to understand the general direction of the card symbolism and trust your intuition. Cards can have different meanings depending on the context and your inner response.

8. Provide a comfortable environment for working with the cards.

Only conduct readings when you feel well and have enough energy. Fatigue and poor health can negatively affect the accuracy of the prediction.

9. Finish the reading with a cleansing ritual.

After completing the layout, thank the cards for their work and cleanse yourself of any negative energy by taking a shower or washing your hands under running water.

Following these tips, you will be able to successfully master the basics of Tarot and, over time, deepen your understanding of this system of predictions.


tarot card spreads
tarot card spreads

In conclusion, becoming a master of the reading with tarot card spreads requires a deep understanding of various tarot cards spreads layouts and their unique interpretations. By exploring different approaches, such as integrating tarot with playing cards spreads or utilizing an online love tarot spread, practitioners can enrich their readings and gain profound insights. 

Additionally, incorporating psychic revelations tarot spreads can elevate the depth of the readings, offering more nuanced guidance. Embracing these diverse techniques will not only enhance your skills but also unlock the full potential of tarot card readings.

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