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What important new beginning will come once you let go of the past?

March 23. Today the card "Knight of Pentacles" fell out for you

Knight of Pentacles upright
Knight of Pentacles upright

The Knight of Pentacles upright signifies that by releasing the weight of the past, you make way for new opportunities. This card is a reminder that patience, dedication, and persistence will lead you toward a stable and fulfilling future.  

The Knight of Pentacles in career suggests that a new professional path will require commitment and discipline. Whether it's a career shift, a long-term project, or a financial investment, this card assures you that consistent effort will yield success. If you're wondering about the Knight of Pentacles yes or no, this card leans toward "yes"  — your hard work will pay off, but patience is key.  

The Knight of Pentacles in love brings a new relationship. If you've been healing from past wounds, this card indicates that a patient and devoted partner may enter your life. The Knight of Pentacles as love advice encourages you to take things slow — true love is built over time.

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