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Which direction should you take? The cards know the answer

March 6. Today the card "Six of Cups" fell out for you

The Six of Cups upright
The Six of Cups upright

The Six of Cups upright urges you to look to the past for guidance. This card is deeply connected to memories and emotional bonds.

The Six of Cups in love often points to reconciliation or the resurfacing of old connections. Whether it's an ex-partner, a childhood friend, or an unresolved emotion, the past holds valuable lessons that can influence your next steps. If you're wondering about Six of Cups yes or no, this card leans toward "yes", especially when it comes to reconnecting with meaningful relationships.

The Six of Cups as feelings represents warmth, familiarity, and emotional safety. If someone is on your mind, chances are they feel the same. The Six of Cups as a love outcome suggests that reflecting on past experiences will help you determine if rekindling a relationship — or simply learning from it — is the right path.

The Six of Cups as advice points to accepting the past without falling into its trap. Use these memories to heal, find closure, or rediscover what truly brings you happiness. 

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