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Why can't you meet your loved one? It's all about energy

December 29. Today the card "Seven of Cups" fell out for you

Seven of Cups
Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups card reveals that your difficulties in meeting your loved one are deeply rooted in energy dynamics. The Seven of Cups as feelings shows that you might be overwhelmed by choices or unrealistic expectations regarding love. The Seven of Cups as love outcome indicates that these illusions and fantasies may be hindering your ability to form real connections. 

When considering the Seven of Cups as intentions, it highlights the need to focus on genuine desires rather than getting lost in daydreams. The Seven of Cups as advice suggests you take time to ground yourself and evaluate your true feelings. 

For those considering reconciliation, the Seven of Cups reconciliation points to the need for clear communication. And looking ahead, the Seven of Cups as future suggests that by aligning your energy with clarity and sincerity, you can overcome these barriers.

So, the Seven of Cups as a relationship encourages you to be honest with yourself about what you want and to avoid getting trapped in illusions. By focusing on your own well-being and embracing your inner clarity, you can shift your energy. 

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