Why don't you get as much as you deserve?
January 12. Today the card "Ten of Swords" fell out for you
The Ten of Swords reveals your emotional weight, suggesting that unresolved pain from past experiences hinders your progress. When considering the Ten of Swords yes or no, it often points to a “no,” urging you to reassess your current situation.
The Ten of Swords reveals your emotional weight, suggesting that unresolved pain from past experiences hinders your progress. When considering the Ten of Swords yes or no, it often points to a “no,” urging you to reassess your current situation.
The Ten of Swords as feelings indicates deep hurt and a need for healing. It's essential to acknowledge these emotions to begin the process of moving forward. The Ten of Swords as advice encourages you to release the past and the fear that binds you.
If the Ten of Swords reversed appears, it signals the potential for recovery and new beginnings. The Ten of Swords reversed as feelings indicate a gradual lifting of emotional pain, suggesting hope and renewal.
Regardless of whether the Ten of Swords appears reversed or upright, it suggests that you are on the path to healing. Seize this opportunity to let go of old wounds and open yourself to the abundance you deserve.