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Your partner ignores you, this will help understand the situation

January 7. Today the card "Five of Pentacles" fell out for you.

Five of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles upright indicates a period of hardship in your relationship, where emotional support feels lacking. As feelings the Five of Pentacles can signify feeling abandoned or neglected, highlighting the need for understanding and compassion.

The Five of Pentacles regarding love shows that your relationship faces challenges. The emotional distance might be due to external pressures or personal struggles that your partner is dealing with. As advice, the Five of Pentacles encourages you to offer support and patience during this tough time. 

The Five of Pentacles as a love outcome signals that by openly discussing your feelings and needs, you may begin to heal and reconnect, allowing you to navigate this challenging time together. Trust that with patience and communication, you can work towards a stronger, more supportive relationship.

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